Carnivals & Interschool Sport and House news

Interschool Sport at Koonung
An article by Elle Bussolaro 7E
Sienna (9B), Caitie (8I) and I were lucky enough to represent Koonung at the Interschool Gymnastics competition on Tuesday 23 August. The event ran over 7 days (but we only competed on the one day) and was held at the State Gymnastics Centre in Prahran. We competed against approximately 30 girls from 7 different schools. A highlight for me was seeing Miella Brown who is a junior international gymnast and has competed at the Australian Gymnastics Championships. We competed well on the day and had lots of fun. We were thrilled to come 3rd as a team and walked away with a bronze medal! We had so much fun representing Koonung!
From Miss Prosenak:
A big congratulations to Elle Bussolaro who placed 6th overall and Sienna Forrest who placed 4th overall. A fabulous effort and well done girls!
Earlier this year, in May, Sienna represented Victoria at the Australian Championships for Gymnastics on the Gold Coast. She placed 2nd overall and her team placed 3rd for level 8. Sienna showed off her skills receiving 1st on floor, 3rd on vault, 4th on bars and 5th on beam. What an amazing achievement from Sienna.
Sam Prosenak
Coordinator, Carnivals & Interschool Sport