Visual Arts

8D Visual Communication Design
Year 8D VCD class have been working hard to create their One Point Perspective scenes. After learning how to create one-point cubes and initials students then brainstormed ideas and created thumbnail sketches to develop a final design.
They have all worked hard to develop these technical drawing skills and will utillise their ideas with their final presentation of their one-point scene by the end of Term 3. In Term 4 they will learn how to create a Two Point scene.
Here is a snap shot of what they have been working on.
Well done 8D for working at a solid pace and being engaged in and outside of the classroom.
2023 Top Arts and Top Designs
2023 Top Arts and Top Designs applications are now open. Students are encouraged to contact their respective visual arts teacher for further information.
Applying for Top Arts 2023: VCE Art and Studio Arts | NGV Applying for Top Arts 2023 and looking for handy tips? Gain insights into the process, unpack the selection criteria and pick up photography skills in this online interactive presentation. |
Top Designs 2023 Applications
Pages - Top Designs - Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority What is Top Designs? Top Designs is an annual exhibition at Melbourne Museum presenting work created by students who completed VCE Media, Product Design and Technology, Systems Engineering, Theatre Studies and Visual Communication Design, as well as a range of VCE VET studies including Creative and Digital Media, Engineering Studies, Furnishing, Integrated Technologies and Music (Sound ... |
Helen Briffa
Visual Arts / Technology Teacher
Arts Domain Leader
Artist in Schools program
Our Year 9 Urban Art class, is very excited to announce that we have the artist (Damian Curtain) coming to work with us to create a wooden sculpture, which will be displayed in our school grounds! It will be a great experience for our class to collaborate and learn from Damian Curtain, because we will be able to develop new skills in woodcarving and we will be able to develop our creative and analytical thinking. Additionally, we will get the opportunity to help design and create a sculpture that will be displayed at our school; hopefully lasting for years to come. So far, we’ve learnt that in wood carving, there is the use of three art elements: line, texture and form. ‘Lines’ are typically displayed on wood sculptures and carvings, displaying curly, straight, dotted and more. ‘Texture’ on wood carvings and sculptures can be bumpy, rough or smooth. ‘Form’ is used since wood sculptures are 3D. An example of a type of wood carving is ‘relief carving’ which is a sculptural method in which the sculpted pieces are bonded to a solid background. The class have worked together on developing five sculpture designs based on the theme of nature, line, form and texture. We then voted on our favourite designs and our chosen sculptures represent the Koonung Creek, a gumnut, rock stack, gumleaf and tree trunk. Each Monday, we work with Damian on carving the five large wooden bollards with chisels into our sculpture designs. They are starting to take shape and we are excited to see them completed and on display.
Mia Salvagni and Ellyse Blyth
Georgina Russell
Art Teacher
Year 10 Photography
Please enjoy the excellent work from some of my Photography students. The names on each photo are the photographer.
Kirby Sens
Technology Domain Leader
Art & Technology Teacher
Free school holiday finesse your folio interactive sessions