Important Dates

Dates for your diary
Friday 16 September
Koonung Day
End of term 2:30pm finish
Friday 30 September (during school holidays)
VCE English Practice Exam
Monday 3 October
PFA meeting
Year 9 Morrisby interviews commence and continue over the next 3 weeks
Monday 3 - Wednesday 5 October
Practice VCE exams - no VCE classes running
Saturday 8 October
SEE@K testing 9-12:15pm
Monday 10 - Tuesday 18 October
VCE Revision classes
VCE Arts exhibition
Friday 14 October
Instrumental Music 2023 enrolment for current students due
Wednesday 19 October
Celebration Day (No Classes -Year 12 Breakfast, Assembly, Valedictory Dinner)
Tuesday 25 October
College Council meeting
Wednesday 26 October
VCE exams commence
Monday 7 November
PFA meeting
Monday 21 November
Year 10 and 11 exams begin
Tuesday 22 November
College Council meeting
Saturday 3 December
PFA second hand book sale
Thursday 8 December
Presentation/Awards night
Monday 12 December
2023 Year 7 parent information session (6:30pm)
Tuesday 13 December
Grade 6 into Year 7 Orientation Day (no classes Year 8 & 9)
Wednesday 14 December
Live Life celebration (Funfields excursion)
Thursday 15 December
Last day of academic program
Reports distributed
Friday 16 and Monday 19 December
Summer program
2022 Term Dates for students:
Term 1 - Monday 31 January to Friday 8 April
Term 2 - Tuesday 26 April to Friday 24 June
Term 3 - Monday 11 July to Friday 16 September
Term 4 - Monday 3 October to Tuesday 20 December
2022 Student free days
- Friday 27 January: First day of the school year
- Monday 21 March: Whole staff PL
- Friday 24 June: Assessment Day
- Friday 18 November: Whole staff PL