Brisbane Clinics Update

Hello friends and families,
We celebrated Speech Pathology Week!
Last month we celebrated Speech Pathology Week. Our Speech Pathologists (or 'speechies' as they are affectionately known) are very important members of our multi-disciplinary teams, and we are very grateful for the work they do every day to support our kids and young adults to communicate better.
You can find out more about Speech Pathology Week here.
The theme this year was Good Communication, Better Communities, which we agree with wholeheartedly. Community is important to us at Early Start Australia. Our Community Connections page is a regular feature in our newsletter, and we love being part of our local community networks and looking for opportunities to make a real difference.
Early Start Australia therapists are not your average therapists
We've spent some time thinking about the things that makes the team at Early Start Australia different to other therapy providers. We have a talented and passionate bunch of allied health professionals as well as a dedicated and responsive client care team who we think have got something pretty special to offer.
We know that sometimes you're looking for a very specific type of service, or that your priority might be finding a therapist who has completed training in a particular area, or you might need a therapist who is located close by to your child's school. We understand that there can be many factors you are considering when choosing a therapist for your child or family member. For example, English may not be your first language and you need a therapist that speaks different languages. Or you live in a remote location and really need a therapist who provides therapy online. Or maybe you've heard about a specific group therapy program.
To make it easier to see what's so special about us, we've created a handy cheat sheet to help you find the right Early Start Australia therapy team based on your particular requirements. Find out more on the next page.
We've got some spots free in our diaries!
We are keen to keep you updated on the services we currently have immediate available for. Some of our therapists have gaps in their schedules, particularly for appointments that are in the middle of the day. Call your local clinic to find out more.
ESA MURARRIE Unit 4/ 22 Palmer Place, Murarrie 4172 | (07)33989367 | | OT, Speech, Allied Health Assistant |
ESA STRATHPINE Suite 2, Level 1, 454 Gympie Road Strathpine 4500 | (07)31802666 | | OT, Psych |
ESA TOOWONG Suite 6, 524 Milton Road, Toowong 4066 | (07)37368690 | | OT, Speech |
ESA SPRINGFIELD Level 1 (Ground Floor) 145 Sinnathamby Blvd Springfield Central 4300 | (07)56895601 | | Physio, Dietitian, Psych |
ESA CARINA 798 Old Cleveland Rd, Carina 4152
| 1300 914 318 | | Psych |
Upper Mt Gravatt Suite 3A/1990 Logan Rd, Upper Mount Gravatt 4122 | (07)56895604 | | OT |
Thanks for reading this month's eNews. We hope you have a warm and wonderful September.
Take care x
Liselle, Christine, Carissa & Fanoula
(ESA Brisbane Practice Principals)
September School Holidays - 17 September to 2 October
Upcoming Public Holidays (Clinics Closed)
Queen's birthday - Monday 3 October
New to ESA? Here's a bit more about us.....
At Early Start Australia (ESA) our therapists provide therapy to children and young adults with developmental delays including autism spectrum disorder. Our therapists focus on all important life skills such as language development, and development of motor, cognitive, social, play and emotional skills. We also offer assessment services to assist with NDIS access and reviews, and diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, learning disorders, speech/ language disorders, intellectual disability, and other diagnosable conditions.
We are a registered NDIS provider.
ESA now has six clinics in the Greater Brisbane region - all offering both in-clinic, mobile and telehealth services including Psychology, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Language Pathology.
Click the links below for services available at each clinic.
Upper Mount Gravatt (formerly Boost)
Carina (formerly Child Aware)
Toowong (formerly Synchrony)
Murarrie (formerly Gateway Therapies)
We also have clinics located in the Gold and Sunshine Coasts, and all Australian states and territories if you need services further afield.
Our Values
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