P & F Newsletter

Hi St James Families,
Welcome back to Term 4 and what is always a busy but great term. There's lots to celebrate for both the school and the P&F this year. After nearly 3 yrs of running the P&F we have finally had a year full of very successful and fun events for which we are very grateful!
P&F 2023
Within the next week or two we will be sending out role descriptions and sign-ups for the P&F in 2023. While Kylie will be around to help as well as Sheleigh to a lesser extent, we really need to see some new initiative and enthusiasm to help continue this important part of our community.
It truly is great to be a part of a group that is building the community of your children’s school and studies show makes a real difference to their well-being and even learning outcomes, but is always better when there are more to share the enthusiasm, ideas and the volunteer workload.
If you have coordinated event or performed a role this year and are able to continue, please let us know as soon as possible. If you are interested in knowing more about how you can help please contact the P&F leaders or Dave and Carmel.
Our school Twilight Sports are coming up soon on Monday 17th October. The Twilight Sports are a compulsory school run event and is a great night for the children and the families alike. Please see the FULL TWILIGHT SPORTS DETAILS below. It has everything you need to know.
The P&F are involved by running a raffle with tickets sold on the night and a BBQ for parents and siblings to grab something to eat. Children competing are asked to eat before the 4:15pm start time but may be able to grab a sausage after the event. Below is the FULL BBQ MENU highlighting the food and drink available as well as some Team Merchandise! The BBQ is being coordinated by our super Grade 2 Champions: Amy Dougherty, Deanne Wingate, Cate Pigeault, Monika Moylan and Sarah Dowds.
Our Grade 2 Champions require help on the BBQ and with pack up and set up.
Food Prep 9am at school- 4 people
Help Set up from 3pm- 4 people
BBQ Cooks- in 1hr shifts from 3:30-7:30pm- 8 People (2 per shift)
Servers/Cashiers- in 1hr shifts from 3:30-7:30- 12 people (3 per shift)
Pack Up- 6 people
Raffle ticket sellers- in 1 hr shifts from 3:30-6:30- 6 people (2 per shift) This is mostly done walking around the field and the stands. A good job for a couple of friends to do together.
Since emailing the link out last Thursday we have not had many people sign up at all.
If you can help please sign up here: volunteersignup.org/DMAKC
DAD's NIGHT - Friday 21st October
Our annual Dad's Night is on in just a few weeks!
Please join other Dads at Mitcham Social on Friday 21st October from 7pm.
It's $38 for finger food and unlimited wood fired pizzas. Drinks at bar prices.
It's a great way to catch up with Dad's that you know and meet other Dad's from across the school.
Thanks to those who have already booked and paid. It would be great if we could have numbers by next Monday 17th October so we can advise the venue of numbers.
Please book and pay here: www.trybooking.com/CDERM
Once again we wanted to thank the Grade 5 Disco team, Tash Dumais, Rachel Shannon, Lena Zappia and Monique Van Den Boom for organising a fantastic disco for our children on the last day of term. The photos below show what a fun event it was!
The team leaders would also like to thank everyone listed below for helping with sign in/outs and supervising on the night.
A message of thanks from the Grade 5 Disco team:
Glow Disco 2022 Wrap!
Big thanks to all that were involved in volunteering to help with our Glow Disco extravaganza! I’m sure the kids would agree in saying it was a bucketload of fun!!! DJ Nate did an incredible job of keeping the cool tunes flowing and the dance moves going. The many bright, joyous photos captured the energy and excitement of the night!!
To our wonderful Volunteers: Ursula Borg, Jason Barrie, Yonna Tang, Erin McDade, Courtney Drough, Karen Dalton, Katrina Alipanopoulos, Lisa Borysiewicz, Nina Christina, Vanessa Soleman, Sonnya Tirtawidjaja, Lusia Kho, Sharlene Epifano, Emily Bent, Catherine Nicolas, Sarah Vogels, Claire Doherty, Karen Dalton, Sherelle Packer, Joyce Li, Ashley Vienna, Emily Chew, Claire Doherty, Laura Eskici, Rachelle Mosca, Clementine Kohombanwickremage, Christine Lagos, Matt Yeung, Anne McLaughlin, Alisha Weekes, Kylie Brooks-Verberne, Rocio Fossi, Kathy Gatzonis, Rosa Galletta, Rachelle Mosca, Jacinta Arnott, Belinda Bele, Vali Creus, Katrina van Vuuren, Natalie Bryant, Luella Genato, Ciaran Collins, Andrew Glenn, Simone Whitfield and Renee Pettit.
Special thanks to our Grade 5 student legends Ruby Weymouth, Poppy Skerry and Uma Dumais for helping the mums pack gift bags the weekend before and on the night of the Disco Ruby and Uma Dumais for helping set up and co-ordinate things for the first junior session.
Thanks to the Dads who helped man the back gate: Steven Swann, Craig Brooks and Paul Borysiewicz. Finally thanks to Manuela at St John’s in Mitcham who helped us along the way as well with all things to do with accessing the venue and set up.
The Disco event is always a big effort in co-ordinating sign in and sign out and ensuring the kids have good fun and feel safe and happy on the night. And that we managed to achieve!!! Well done Team!!
From the Grade 5 Glow Disco Champions:
Tash Dumais, Rachel Shannon, Lena Zappia and Monique Van Den Boom (whom we stole from Prep!!!!)
A big thank you to Clemi Kohombanwickremage and Penny Stewart for organising our morning tea on Monday. and to Ebony Soane, Nicole Spezza and Sheleigh Keating for running the uniform stall. Thank you to all those who came!
if you love summer fruits, here's your chance to indulge in juicy Kensington Pride mangoes and support our final fundraiser for 2022! We are once again selling farm fresh mangoes, picked during the premium harvest. They are carefully packed in a single layer, with approximately 7kg per tray (almost double that of last year). The number of fruit depends on the size, but an estimate is 14-23 per tray.
Cost (per tray): $28
Place orders by: Thursday 20th October
To order and pay please click on this link: www.trybooking.com/CDFKW
For some ideas of how to use mangoes please see the attached flyer in the link below:
A big thanks to Bec Park for organising this fundraiser!
Icy poles are being sold from this Friday at afternoon recess right through until the end of term. Thanks once again to Mel Hewitson for always making sure stocks are replenished each week. 50c per icy pole.
There will be a food day or two this term, but it will be a bit delayed. We are in the process of working with Lisa and Michelle in the office to finally set up our online payment system which will make things a lot easier for parents to order. It will also make the Food Day Coordinators (me!) job a whole lot easier too...no counting money or collating and counting around 300 orders...which will amount to about half the work! Now that Operoo is set up and running well we can move to setting this up, but please be patient while we sort through and implement this.
Please consider volunteering for one of the stalls, either with a friend or as a team, the Fete cannot operate without your support and community spirit.
Links can be found at the link below, school newsletters and the parish website.
Dear St James Families,
With the weather now truly singing of Spring, Entertainment has plenty of bargains for all your favourite things to buy, eat and enjoy.
There are a few deals for October:
* For a limited time only, purchase any Single City Entertainment Membership and receive a bonus, Multi City upgrade, unlocking access to 20 cities and thousands of offers across Australia and New Zealand.
* An additional membership option has been added, where you now have the choice to purchase a 3-month membership for only $29.99. Use the membership once and you will easily make your money back.* Everyone who orders a 12-month or 24-month membership between now and 31st October 2022 will automatically go into the draw to win up to $30,000 in cash and prizes. One lucky winner will get $10,000 cash and 20 other winners will get a $1000 eGift card each.So whether it be enjoying a movie at your local cinema, reconnecting with loved ones over a meal, or testing your bowling skills whilst on a family holiday, an Entertainment Membership is your ultimate first class ticket to the best restaurant, travel and shopping deals.
20% of the purchase price comes straight back to St James P&F to help with our fundraising. For October, for every membership sold, our school will also go into the draw to win 4 x the normal commission. Play, Dine and Save today.
Visit https://au.entdigital.net/orderbooks/186265m to order an Entertainment membership from St James.
Kind regards,
Rachelle (on behalf of St James P&F)
Thanks as always for your support,
Kylie and Sheleigh