Principal's Message
Dear families,
As you may be aware, next Tuesday, 20th September is our end of term gathering. Families and community members are welcome to come along ready for a 10am start.
In preparation for the morning tea that we will be hosting afterwards, we are lucky enough to have Mrs Fay Lulham come in to the school Monday 19th September to do some cooking with the kids. I am very much looking forward to having our kitchen smelling of Fay’s delicious cooking and tasting some of the treats with you all after the gathering.
After the gathering we will have some pre-loved school library books available for parents and students to purchase for a small donation to our year 6 fundraiser.
New England Sings! Weekend Information:
Information regarding the New England Sings! performance weekend will be sent home in paper form today along with an expression of interest note that needs to be returned to school ASAP. This is to give us and the organisers an idea of who will be attending the rehearsal on Saturday 22nd October and the Performance on Sunday 23rd October.
New England Sings! Tickets
I understand that some families missed out on purchasing tickets to the New England Sings! before they quickly sold out. I was able to speak with NECOM yesterday and they have informed me that there will be more tickets available as the original seating numbers were from the original venue, not the new venue at Armidale Secondary College. If you still wish to purchase tickets, you need to go onto the website and join the wait list. they will let you know whether you were able to secure seats from there.
New England Sings! and NERAM In School Workshop:
This Friday 16th of September, all students will be involved in an Art Cluster Day at our school. This will involve a rehearsal of the New England Sings! songs with the conductors from NECOM as well as a weaving workshop with NERAM. The workshop will run until lunchtime.
No Hat No Play:
Last week, I reminded the students with the warmer weather fast approaching and the increased opportunities to get out in the playground, hats will be required to be worn by all students. We have a “No Hat, No Play in the playground” Policy in place during the warmer months. We have noticed of late, a number of students coming to school without a hat to wear. We do have some spare hats available but this cannot be guaranteed. If your child does not have a hat, they will have to play under the COLA. As always, sunscreen is available for use by the students and can be found in the office/kitchen area.
Day of Mourning Public Holiday:
Thursday the 22nd of September has been announced as a one off National Public Holiday as a day of mourning following Queen Elizabeth’s Death last week. Like all public holidays, schools will not be open. Your children can return Friday 23rd of September for the last day of term 3.
Bulagaranda (Mount Yarrowyck) Excursion:
Our excursion to Bulagaranda (Mount Yarrowyck) was to be held on the Thursday 22nd September, which is now a national public holiday. Instead, we have arranged to have the excursion on Wednesday 21st September instead. This will still involve students going on a bush walk to visit the Aboriginal Cave Painting site. If you haven’t already done so, please return the permission note by this Friday.
Bulagaranda (Mount Yarrowyck) Excursion is on Wednesday 21st September