The Regional Engagement Enterprise

Be Heard Bulleting 

This term 10 Be Heard have teamed up with TREE to work on a Sustainable Practices Unit with a focus on where our food comes from. Part of this unit included a visit to Tablelands Premier Meat Abattoir where we took two Lambs from Windermere Farm for processing. Our students absolutely loved this experience, and they were interested, respectful and full of questions throughout. 


In line with our visit to the Abattoir, our students put their business hats on to work out the amount of meat that we would get from our two lambs and how much we would need to make to cover the cost of our experience. After calculating the cost of the processing and considering how much the farm could have made if they sold the Lambs at the sale yard, students concluded that if they were a business, they would need to make $25 per kilo of meat to cover costs. 


The final part of this experience was for the students to learn how to make sausages with meat sourced from Windermere Farm. The sausage making workshop was a huge success and was run by the wonderful Jo Howarth, Robyn Youll and Liam Callaghan, and we also had a visit from the Jr school. Students did a fantastic job making the sausages and then did a cook up for all students and staff at KWS to allow everyone to enjoy the rewards of their labor. 


A full paddock to plate experience!! 

Intern Update

Alice Wilson

Last term I applied for the TREE Internship program, and after a follow-up interview with Mrs Gavin and Ms Youll, I was placed to intern at the Orange & District Historical Society.  I was really excited to be able to experience a new and engaging environment outside of the classroom. 


The ODHS has been a part of the Orange community for over 70 years and are aiming to preserve local history.  For the last month I’ve been learning a variety of skills, like cataloguing and scanning old negatives, assessing some of Orange’s historic buildings and working with the Orange Museum on research for an upcoming exhibition.  I’ve learnt so many beneficial skills and how to work in a collaborative team. It’s been so interesting to learn so much local history that I otherwise would have never known about. 

The internship has already been such a rewarding and enriching experience, and I’m excited to continue to learn more about the organisation.