Mabo House News

Hi Everyone,
What a fantastic start to Term 4 we have had. The Mabo team would like to thank all students for starting on the right foot and living our college values of Respect, Learning and Working Together.
After some terrible weather last week, we were so proud of some of our students for supporting staff during the flooding event, whether it was directing traffic for other students, grabbing a broom, or showing understanding in a challenging circumstance we thank you for your efforts. Unfortunately, the Mabo locker area for Year 8 and 9 students was affected in the flood. Students are permitted to carry their bags in class until we can rectify this. Please remind your child to leave them at the front of the room for OHS reasons and to keep an eye on our Mabo Teams page for regular updates.
Next week we farewell our Graduates of 2022. What a ride it has been over the course of your educational journey here with us at HP. Through a pandemic, you have shown commitment to your learning and resilience as young people, and we are very proud of you. As we say goodbye on behalf of the Mabo team, we would like to thank parents and caregivers for working with us to give your child the best possible outcomes over the years. We have loved having you, teaching you, laughing with you, getting to know you, and watching you grow. We wish you every success in your chosen pathway and look forward to hearing where your next adventure takes you.
Mabo would like to give a warm welcome to Ashley our new House Admin Assistant. Ashley was a student here at Hampton Park SC and is excited to get to know our families and students. Ashley would like to remind all Year 10 students to collect their Holocaust Museum excursion form from her in the Mabo office.
If your child has received an absence letter it is crucial that they get them signed and return them to the Mabo office ASAP. Additionally, as we come to the end of the year, please continue wearing the correct uniform with pride and arriving on time to school and to your classes with the correct equipment to support your learning. The old rain jacket will be wrapping up at the end of this year, meaning students will need to head to PSW to purchase the new raincoat before Term 1 in 2023. Currently we have a team working on some exciting new uniform items that will be announce as soon as possible. Thank you to the students and staff working on this to update and improve our current uniform in response to student voice.
With such success in Mentor with the year 10 basketball competition, it is now time for our Year 9s to have some fun this term with weekly tournaments, to sign up please see Ms JP or Mr Cram. The Grand Final will be held in our final assembly in week 7 – may the best house win!!!
Term 4 is long but jam packed full of opportunities in and outside the classroom please see some key information below:
Key dates
- Year 12 Farewell Assembly – 17th October
- Professional Practice Day (Student Free) – 31st October
- Melbourne Cup Public Holiday - 1st November
- Year 10 & 11 Exams - 7th-11th November
- Curriculum Day- 17th November
- Holocaust Museum Excursion – Year 10 Only: Friday 2nd December
- Commencement – Week 8, 9 & 10
- Leadership Camp – 7th – 9th December
- Lysterfield Lake Celebration Day (Year 7-19) – 12th December
- Year 7 Orientation Day - 13th & 14th December
Values Nominations – House Cup:
Please keep up the fantastic work and continue to remind your teachers to nominate you to earn points for Mabo. Our team would like to congratulate our students for demonstrating our college values in and outside the classroom.
That is a total of 3554 nominations since the beginning of the year!
As always on behalf of the Mabo team we look forward to working with you and your families in Term 4, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to get in contact with us so we can support you to be your best!
Warm Regards,
The Mabo House Team
Staff Member of the Month: