Wellbeing Team News

Mental Health Month
During the month of October we are recognising national mental health month!
At HPSC each week we will have a range of different organisations and services visiting us and running lots of activities and meeting with our school community. Some of the organisations that are visiting us this month include; 180, Springvale Monash legal, Southern migrant resource centre, South East Community links , Monash Health and heaps more!
On Monday 10th October we had our first visit for the month from 180 degrees who had free fairy floss and a chat to check in.
On October 12th The South east community links in conjunction with Inspired by you had their first career mentoring workshop. Student who were interested came along and met with professionals from lots of different industries such as accountants, those working in technology at Microsoft, those working at the NBN, those in engineering and construction.
Students will have their second session on October 26th with other professionals from Bio Medicine, paramedicine, Dentistry, Medicine, sport and much more coming to join us.
The program will run for four weeks and support students to get into their industry of choice, work on goal setting, building confidence, networking and how to gain knowledge and experience.
Students who are interested in taking part in this FREE program can register via the link on teams or speak to Ms Mraz or Harlin Gandhok. This special opportunity is for all students in years 8 to 11.
Rite Mentoring
The Rite Program has been running at HPSC since Term 3 and will continue to run for Term 4. Rite Mentoring offers young men access to a unique group mentoring program designed to promote positive futures and support them as they navigate the significant life transition of adolescence.
At the end of Term 3, Rite Mentors and students attended an excursion where the students participated in abseiling. The group had no previous experience in abseiling, and some had to overcome their fear of heights. The highlight of the excursion was the students stepping out of their comfort zone and providing support and mentorship to one another.
A message to the Year 12's:
Congratulations to our year 12’s who finish their last official week of school!
As you leave the classroom, we hope you never stop being students. Never stop learning from all that’s around you – the places, the people and especially the mistakes. The real lessons and adventure start now!
“With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you’re too smart to go down any not-so-good street.”
- Dr Seuss
We wish you all the best for the future!
From the Wellbeing team
Child Safe Standards
Victoria's Child Safe Standards were put in place in 2016 to protect children and young people from harm and abuse. Since their introduction, the Child Safe Standards have increased the safety of children and young people in organisations that provide services for them.
New Child Safe Standards were implemented on 1 July 2022. Eleven standards replaced the previous seven and include new requirements to:-
- involve families and communities in organisations’ efforts to keep children and young people safe
- provide greater focus on safety for Aboriginal children and young people
- manage the risk of child abuse in online environments.
The new Standards provide greater clarity and practical steps for each Standard. They outline what action schools need to take to keep children and young people safe. All schools are required to have a Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and the HPSC policy documents have been updated to reflect the new changes and include:
- our school’s commitment to child safety
- actions our school will take to ensure a child safe culture is championed and modelled across the school
- governance arrangements our school uses to implement the policy
- processes our school will use to review its child safe practices.
The school community can view the updated Child Safety policy documents on the HPSC website Hampton Park Secondary College (hpsc.vic.edu.au) from 19th October 2022. Any questions or feedback is encouraged and can be directed to the Child Safety Officer by contacting the school on 8795 9400.
All members of our school community have a responsibility to care for children and young people, to positively promote their wellbeing and protect them from any kind of harm or abuse.
If you need support, or believe you are in an unsafe situation, please contact the following services:
- Emergency Services (police, fire, ambulance): 000
- Child Protection: 1300 655 795 (Business hours)
- Child Protection: 131 278 (After hours intake)
- 1800 RESPECT (Family Violence Support): 1800 737 732
- Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 (24/7)
Debbie Edwards
Hampton Park Secondary College - Child Safety Officer