Secondary Community News 

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)

This week in 7/8s we have been slowly letting go of curriculum and moving into the Christmas activities. This week’s activities have consisted of measuring how far paper aeroplanes can fly with a trundle wheel, students turning themselves into elves and knitting some Christmas pom poms. Writing has turned from writing short stories or about living things to now writing Christmas cards to their friends and family. Students also got to enjoy a water play day and the lack of sun did not discourage them. They also enjoyed getting some of their teachers back.

Sadly, it is time to say goodbye to our students.  It has been an amazing year full of learning and adventure for all of us.

We wish you the very best over the holidays. Stay Safe!

Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)

This week, the Year 9/10's used their Jackpoint Rewards to go to Luna Park. The students had an amazing time trying new foods, hanging out with friends and going on the different rides. Below are some photos from our journey.

Senior Secondary (VCAL/ASDAN)

What’s Happening In ASDAN? 


An important part of our program involves collecting student work as evidence of the completion of learning outcomes. This evidence is moderated by ASDAN staff at Jackson and shared with the ASDAN program leaders in the United Kingdom. We are very pleased to announce that all of our students have successfully completed the program and the feedback we received from the U.K was extremely positive. Congratulations to our wonderful students, we are very proud of all of you! 


This year we have been busy participating in so many different programs. We have enjoyed lawn bowls, library visits, travel training, work experience, going to the gym and even learning to drive for some students. It is at this time of the year that we look back in amazement at how far each and every student has come. On behalf of the ASDAN teachers and ES staff we would like to congratulate all of the students on their awesomeness.  



A huge thank you to John and Eric for volunteering their time to teach us how to play lawn bowls this year.  



Secondary Students of the Week


⚫ 5/6A - Unique for being responsible in and out of the classroom and for always trying          his best.

⚫ 5/6D Ashton – For the enthusiastic way she has taken on challenges and new                        experiences, supported her peers and impressively completed large amounts of                    challenging work with limited assistance.​

⚫ 5/6B - Georgina for being kind and supportive to her peers in the classroom and                    playground

⚫5/6C - Mannie for always helping in the classroom, following instructions and                         encouraging his peers to do the same. Well done!​ 

⚫ 7/8A Learning - Bella has been working hard to come to school and work hard in the classroom. She has also demonstrated impressive knowledge during the Zoo Excursion.

⚫ 7/8E Responsibility and Learning - Jalen for participating in group learning and sharing his learning space and favourite activities with his peers.

⚫ 7/8C Learning - Ella approaching all her learning tasks and assessments with a positive attitude

⚫ 7/8B Safety - Jake showed a lot of care and responsibility by looking after his friend on the bus and keeping him safe during our excursion to Werribee Zoo. 

⚫ 7/8E - Nam - for being brave and always willing to try working on more challenging tasks! Well done!

⚫ 7/8D - Hayden for trying his best with his learning tasks and producing them to a high standard. Well done!

⚫ 7/8B - Najwa for sharing her bright ideas and positive gender role model during RRRR. Well done!

⚫ 7/8C - Sonny has been putting in effort into his handwriting and the results have been showing. Well Done!