Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)

'Twas the week before end of term, when all through the school Students were asking Santa for something cool; Their wish lists were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas would make them appear






The students decorated the room and completed their work,

While the teachers looked on with a gleeful smirk,

“It’s almost the holidays” they all would say,

So here is to our first year in preps!


Lower Primary (Years 3-4)

The 3/4 team had a visit from local police officers. Each class had the opportunity to explore three different police cars, ask the police officers questions and even put the lights and sirens on.  It was a lot of fun sitting inside and looking at all the different things in the police cars. 

Upper Primary (Years 5-6)

Year 5/6 have had a busy Term 4.! We have enjoyed a variety of activities including camp, Wild Action Incursion, Jumpside, Police Visit, Water Play Day and Werribee Zoo! The students have been making props and practising their songs for the Concert in the Courtyard. It is going to be a fantastic evening! This week, students spent the morning getting to know their new teachers and friends for 2023. It has been a busy but enjoyable term! 

Primary Students of the Week

⚫ Prep B- Josiah Vui for attending school all day and joining in morning circle and reading the weather.

⚫ 1/2B - Anish for being responsible in his learning and using the number lines to solve subtraction problems.

⚫ 3/4B - Alhaji for working hard and completing tasks in class and in special program

⚫ 3/4A - Sam for excellent work in numeracy

⚫ 3/4D - Zion for including his friends in his games.

⚫ 3/4C - Erhan for completing all assessment tasks independently

⚫ 3/4A - Ao for being responsible by staying in her zone 

⚫ 3/4C - Ruairi for being respectful to his friends inside and outside of the classroom              and engaging in all learning activities

⚫ 3/4D - Brayden for packing away after a preferred activity

⚫ 3/4B - Darios Malaish for making safe choices in and outside the classroom.