P&F news
Hi to all from the Huntingtower P&F.
We hope everyone has had a wonderful term and is ready for the September break.
Only one more term for the year.
As always we have been pretty busy in the P&F this term.
Matilda Candy Bar
We ran a candy bar over all three nights for the Matilda Production. I hope you all enjoyed the donuts, cookies and lollies. These were quick 20 minute bursts for the intermission and we hope you all enjoyed the wonderful show.
Junior School Ball Games
Junior school ball games ran on the afternoon of Saturday 27th August and we once again ran a sausage sizzle and goodies stall for all the hungry young kids and parents after the games were done.
Thanks to all the helpers at the events and also behind the scenes helping get things prepped.
Upcoming Events
We are hoping to run a movie night later in the year or as soon as we can find a date in the busy calendar of HT so keep your eyes peeled for dates.
We are also running a fundraiser next term which will give you an opportunity to leave your mark at the school with some engraved pavers. Details to follow soon.
One other thing we are looking at is safety of our kids around drop offs and pick ups. Communication about this has been placed earlier in the Bulletin, so please take it easy when driving in the grounds.
P&F Membership
The committee is formed at the start of the year and everyone with involvement in the school is welcome to join. We are finding some people at events that don’t have the time to be on the committee but are willing to help out at events throughout the year when they have some free time.
All help is always welcomed and if you have some time to offer, you will find us a pretty fun laidback group who all want to provide some fun and entertainment for the community whether they are committee members, year level reps or parent helpers.
If anyone is interested in joining us, every helping hand is always welcome and you can contact us on parentandfriends3@outlook.com or huntingtowerpfpresident@gmail.com
Stay safe and hope to see you around the school soon.
From the P&F Committee