YEAR 7 2022

After several disrupted years, it has been great to have  more consistency for our Year 7 cohort in 2022. Our Year 7 students have shown themselves to be a passionate and energetic group of learners, it did not take long for most of them to feel comfortable in their new learning environment. Overall, they have made a successful transition into Secondary College. One of the early highlights for this year was our school camp to Grantville Lodge where our students got to know each other better through participating in a range of outdoor adventure activities such as canoeing, hut building and completing a high ropes course. It was also a great opportunity for our Mentors to get to know their students.


Our Year 7 students have had an opportunity to complete a wide range of educational activities this year including creating plaster animals in Art, baking muffins in Food Tech, animal classification in Science, Career planning in ACE, exploring Japanese culture in LOTE and writing comparative essays in English; they have certainly had a busy academic year.


I would like to thank all year 7 students, their parents, guardians and teachers for their amazing efforts this year. On behalf of the Year 7 students, I would especially like to thank our year seven mentors: Ms Dauphin, Ms Kennedy, Ms Patterson and Ms Hill for their tireless efforts in 2021.  

Mr Churchill, Ms Dauphin, Ms Kennedy and Ms Patterson
Mr Churchill, Ms Dauphin, Ms Kennedy and Ms Patterson

I hope you all have a safe and restful holiday period, best wishes for Year 8!


Kind regards

Mr Churchill