

Over the past couple of weeks, the boarders have enjoyed a range of activities such as games on the oval including touch football and modified cricket games. The off-campus downtown walks once a week and to the Botanic Gardens have been a really enjoyable experience allowing students to purchase essential items and treats for themselves. Recently the Year 7-9 Boarders had great fun decorating cupcakes baked by Junior Girls' Supervisor, Jane Crichton. See images in the Junior Girls' section of "From the Dorms".


An increasing number of senior boarders (Years 10 to 12) have taken advantage of the gym program in the mornings which is very pleasing. 


The Boarding House Captains have met to develop ideas for some activities for our boarding community. These will include end-of-year activities including the celebration of the Christmas/end-of-year period for Mount Erin but also some great ideas for 2023. 



Jody Siegwalt | Mount Erin Activities Officer