St Brigid's News and Events

This term we are taking part in a wellbeing program called POSI Schools.
What if an action could become a trigger for setting a more positive mindset?
What would our lives look like if we developed better daily habits to help us be at our best?
Posisocks came from the idea that putting your socks on every morning is one of the most common routines we all have.
Posisocks is a brand for social good. That means as we grow, we want to pay it forward and help others grow too.
Each participating student will receive a pair of PosiSchools’ Posisocks!
For every pair of socks provided through PosiSchools, a pair of socks will also be given to someone of the homeless community – facilitated through our charity partner, Pass it On Clothing & Co.
In addition, for every student that participates, $1 will be donated to support Indigenous schools and communities.
Students can wear their POSIsocks with their sports uniform on PE days.
PosiSchools is an initiative designed to improve the mental health of children by educating participating students on the power of a positive mindset.
We believe that children need to be taught the power and importance of a positive mindset more than anyone. Their opportunity to establish positive thinking habits is critical for not just a child’s present, but also their future.
PosiSchools is a 21-day program consisting of engaging content and classroom activities, featuring learnings and inspiring stories from some of Australia’s most renowned athletes.
Our Athlete Mentors:
3 x AFL Premiership Captain, Brownlow Medalist, All Australian AND MORE – Superstar Trent Cotchin
Trent Cochin takes his biggest leap yet and steps behind the camera, ready to help Australian kids set themselves up for a positive day.
Ash Barty went from Ipswich to Tennis World Number 1. Winning the Australian and French Open as well as Wimbledon, Barty credits her success to having a positive mindset.
Once one of the world’s best BMX riders, Sam Willoughby thought he’d lost it all. Now a tetraplegic he works as Australian Team Head BMX Coach, implementing a positive mindset and habits into his daily routine.
Click Here to hear from our athlete mentors.
Click here for the link to all the great Children's Week activities for 2022.
A group of Year 5/6 students with an interest in protecting our environment have a big green challenge for Term 4.
We aim to keep as many batteries, phones and soft plastics out of landfill as possible.
We will have labeled collection boxes near each levels classroom to collect these items.
Start collecting and bring these items in - you too can be part of our big green challenge!
If you can scrunch it, you can recycle it!
We will take your empty, clean and dry soft plastics!
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In Year 5/6 students have been creating art inspired by the work of Jen Aranyi. They used liquid watercolour to blend the sky and fine-liners for the trees and mountains.
World Mission Month
Throughout the school is a focus on Mission Month or as it’s commonly known Socktober. In 5/6 they are learning about Natural Disasters and they are connecting their work to Ethiopia which has been badly affected by drought.
Year 3/4 while focusing on Reconciliation will be looking at how Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity. Drought is one aspect of a natural process.
In 1/2 they have been exploring the Earth’s resources and are linking Inquiry and Religion through a focus on Socktober and how they can help people in Ethiopia.
Foundation are creating sock puppets with their Year 6 buddies to raise awareness. We will be praying for the work of the Missions and the people of Ethiopia on Thursday 27th at 2.30pm in a liturgy prepared by the Liturgy and Social Justice team.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The students preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation engaged in the family activity night last Tuesday. Led by Ingrid Green, this evening was a time for families to discuss with their children the meaning of the Sacrament and the importance of being in ‘right relationship’ with God and others. They reflected on the four steps of reconciliation - admitting, saying sorry, being forgiven and an action to repair the hurt. It was lovely to see and hear the engagement of all families. I take this opportunity to thank Ingrid for her work over the last four years with our community in sacramental preparation. Her wisdom and insight has always been a blessing and her preparedness to ‘pivot’ to the online space during lockdowns has meant that we have been able to continue nourishing the spiritual growth of our students.
Bookclub orders close this Friday 21 October. Don't forget to pop your orders in.
Saver Plus is a free financial education program where parents can plan ahead for school expenses and get up to $500 for education costs.
Register for one of their two information sessions next week by clicking here.
- Saver Plus Information Session for Kindergarten/Prep Parents – this is a session for parents with children starting 4-year-old kindergarten or Prep/Homeschooling next year
- Saver Plus information Session for Parents – this is a session for all parents with school aged children (4-year-old kinder to Year 12, including home-schooled)
St Mary of the Cross Parish News
Click here for the weekly Parish Bulletin.