Term 4

We have had some great learning experiences in Science so far this term.


(Click this link to see some photos of experiments and learning activities that we have completed!)


The Butterfly and Spiny Leaf insects have arrived and students have been very intrigued by their movement and transformation.

We are eagerly awaiting the butterflies hatching - click on this link to have a look at some of the photos that have been taken since they arrived.


Here is the link to keep up to date with our Spiny Leaf Insects


F/1 - Students have been exploring the way objects move and relate changes in motion to push and pull forces.

2/3 - Students have explored how heat energy is produced and identify different sources of heat.

4 - Students have discovered that objects move as a result of a push or pull force. They have learnt that forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance.

5/6 - Students have discovered different forms of energy and how they can be transferred and transformed, and the generation, transfer and use of electricity in our daily lives.