Catholic Identity


Creator God, we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, as we walk together on your path of love, hope and faith.

Thank you for the gifts of our school, 

our environment, our families and friends.

May our school be a place of learning, care, welcome and celebration.

Mary our Mother, pray for us.

St Mary of the Cross, pray for us. 







Whole School Mass

The Mass that was to be led by the F/1 class last week was postponed. 

We are working on arranging an alternative date. 

We will let you know when the Mass led by the F/1 class and focusing on celebrating Grandparents will be held.



Crazy Sock Day Fundraiser

We will be having a Crazy Sock Day Fundraiser on Wednesday 26th October. 

Students can wear their craziest socks and bring in a gold coin donation 

for Catholic Missions.