Director of Identity 

  Mrs Bridget Jenkins 

Inclusive Community

Tonight, we celebrate our Choomalaka Festival and Feast, hosted by the Arts department with exhibits and performances from students of both campuses across the Visual and Performing Arts. This year Choomalaka will also include displays and activities from Science, Languages and Technologies. The evening begins at 5.30 pm with our Acknowledgement of Country, prepared and spoken by several of our Aboriginal students and continues until 8.00 pm. 


Choomalaka is a wonderful community occasion, which this year will also incorporate the best parts of our College Fair; the main car park will become a feast hub with food trucks and our generous volunteers from the Parents and Friends will have all kinds of food available for purchase. Our amazing Hospitality and Coffee & Cafe students will produce their exceptional hot and cold drinks, and the JPC building and surrounds will be aglow with light, sound and festivity.


Choomalaka is an incredible example of our connected, engaged and caring community, with many seemingly tireless staff, students, families and friends working together for many weeks to create something truly spectacular!