Head of Junior School
Mrs Jo Messer
Head of Junior School
Mrs Jo Messer
What an incredible fortnight we have just had. Last week our Grade 3s and 4s had their three-day camp on the east coast, our Year 6s participated in a Come and Try Rowing Day, four boys participated in the annual Clark vs Franklin Football game, Year 6s went on an excursion with their Kinder buddies to Kingston Park, the Preps went on their excursion and to finish it off this Friday we have Footy Colours Day and the Choomalaka Festival! All staff and students will all be looking forward to a two week break from Friday September 30 to re-charge their batteries for the last term. We will be resuming Term 4 on Monday October 17.
Thank you to Miss Pugsley, Mrs Coleman, Mr Wootton, Mr Ditton, Miss Gardner and Mr Terhell for their organization of the Year 3 and 4 camp. This is the first year we have combined both year groups and I would have to say it was a great success. During a normal school week, the Year 3s and 4s collaborate in most subject areas. It only made sense to take them on camp together. Day one we visited Maria Island, spending most of the time enjoying the sunshine and exploring the island, counting wombats and discovering fossils at the Fossil Cliffs. The ferry trip over was rocky but this was nothing compared to the return trip! Those of us who chose to stay on the top, made the better decision! Day two was engaging in rotational activities such as the Commando Course, Obstacle Course, Low Ropes Course, Orienteering and the Flying Fox. The evening was beautiful, so we made the most of it and spent time on Spring Beach. Day three was the return day. The weather was not so great, but the boys were kept busy on the rock-climbing wall and in activities. They all returned a weary bunch, full of camp stories and memories which will last forever.
We are excited for the Choomalaka Festival and Feast this Friday evening. All classes will be performing. It will be a wide variety of fun and entertainment. Kinders, Preps, 3s, 4s, Year 5 band, Year 6 band and the Junior Choir will all be performing in the JPC. As well as the Junior School performances there will be artwork to view, drama performances and much more. It will be a wonderful celebration of our Arts department. On offer will also be an array of food and drink options, so you can feed the family at the same time!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Norton and Mr Machin for their leadership of the Music department along with all tutors who has assisted the boys in learning their musical instruments. I would also like to thank Mr Michael Power who has volunteered his services over the past few weeks in accompanying the choir before school for their performances. How absolutely special it has been to have someone of his talent and caliber, volunteer to help our students.
Now that Term 3 sport has almost concluded I would like to thank Mrs McCullagh for all her extra work in supervising JSSATIS Basketball on Tuesday evenings as well as organizing tryout sessions for the upcoming School Basketball Championships next term. Many staff also assisted in helping sporting teams this term, so I would like to extend a thank you to them as well as all parents who have volunteered to coach or manage a sporting team.
This Sunday September 25 is the annual Mathematics Relay. We have entered one team of Grade 6 students and Miss Lack has been working with these boys to prepare them. We wish the boys good luck and look forward to hearing the results on Monday morning. For those wondering what a Mathematics Relay is, it consists of Chim Ndupu, Andrew Mooney, Darcy Hickey and Charlie Marsden who will be competing against other schools in a 60-minute maths relay where they are required to solve, as a team, one maths problem at a time. The problems increase in difficulty as well as the number of points scored. It is a flurry of excitement and for the entire 60 minutes. Good luck boys and Miss Lack.
Good luck to all the dads who bought tickets in the P&F AFL Football Margin competition. Hopefully I’ll be in touch with you on Monday as a quarter time, half-time, three-quarter time or full time winner!
Thank you again for your ongoing support of our ice cream sales. There will not be any more ice cream days in Term 3. In Term 4 we will continue sales on Thursdays, starting in Week 2.
We extend warm congratulations to Lucas Duharte in 4P on the celebration of his first communion at St Therese's Catholic Church recently. Lucas is now able to fully participate in the celebration of Mass and the life of the Church.
If your son is ever participating in a sacramental program, we would love to know about it so we can support and celebrate them at school. If you would like to involve your son in the sacramental life of the Church but don't quite know where to start, please don't hesitate to contact the school and we can assist you.
Next term in Week 3 and 4, students in Prep-Year 6 will participate in Water Awareness and Learn To Swim activities appropriate to their age group and individual abilities at the Collegiate Pool. Please keep a look out for the consent email that will be sent to you before the end of term. Please note, in case you need the coming weeks to source them, that swimming caps (either cloth/lycra style or rubber style) and bathers (not board shorts) are compulsory. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Jo Messer: jmesser@stvirgils.tas.edu.au or Miss Amelia Daun: adaun@stvirgils.tas.edu.au
St Vincent de Paul have had a shortfall in their fundraising this year, with their Winter Appeal raising half of their hoped-for funds and the need for their services in the community higher than ever. We were very pleased to support them through the recent sale of sausages and fairy floss. We offer a big thank you to Mrs Moate, Mrs Leon and Mrs Graves for helping to organise and prepare the food.
We are pleased to be able to offer Vinnies more than $600 that we have raised with these two fundraisers, and an additional $200 from our regular ice cream sales. Thank you to every family that supported our fundraising efforts.