Deputy Principal
Mr Daniel Lapolla
Deputy Principal
Mr Daniel Lapolla
Last week it was fantastic to see so many parents and Year 7 and 8 boys participate in our Mother Son and Father Son evenings. As a College we know full well the partnership we enter into upon enrolment. It is evident that when the connection between home, school and student is strong we are better equipped to provide opportunities for our young men to be successful, hence why we value parental and guardian collaboration at events such as these. It was great to witness the sharing of stories and the clear love and affection between parents and their sons. It is imperative that are young men feel as though they always have an opportunity to discuss what is on their mind. The adults in their lives have a tremendous influence over guiding particular thoughts, views and perspectives. Here at school, I cannot reiterate enough our Pastoral Care Network of support to encourage regular dialogue. A huge thank you to our community for supporting this event and in particular to our dedicated staff and student leaders for supporting the evening.
On Friday September 16 we celebrated our academic assembly acknowledging the positive and successful contributions of many. From Gold Commendations, Commendable Effort Awards, Academic Excellence, Scholarships, Bursaries, Japanese and Mathematics Awards, it was fantastic to highlight so many achievements. In celebrating the success of these students, it is timely to reflect on one’s own approach to school life. The teenage boy mentality can sometimes be one which does not want to challenge or test one’s own skill set. Work ethic is generally underrated, and natural ability is seen as the major source of success, something in which we do not accept. Boys need to be willing to work towards the best version of themselves and ultimately to take pride in their work. Aspects of school are supposed to be challenging and this is something we should step towards and not backwards from. Those who received recognition in our assembly inevitably have a strong work ethic, positive attitude and a willingness to test and improve themselves. I encourage all our young men to ask if they are unsure and show they are willing to step into the deep and be the best version they can be.
What I love about SVC is the multitude of opportunities presented to our boys. When taken up by eager and enthusiastic boys combined with committed and skilled teachers the results are limitless. Walking around every recess and lunchtime you get the opportunity to experience all the gifts, talents, activities and friendships on display. On Monday this week it was great to witness the musicians in the thick of their rehearsals for Choomalaka at lunchtime with some great skills on show.