From the Principal

Mr Jon Franzin 

Pictured above: Building Works of Year 11&12 Centre as at September 23


Dear Parents/Carers, Students and Friends of St Virgil’s,

Academic and Excellence Assembly 

It was wonderful to gather in recognition of our academic, scholarship and bursary recipients who were acknowledged and presented to our college community last Friday. I take this opportunity to congratulate all students who were awarded and thank the parents and caregivers of scholarship and bursary recipients who joined us for this special presentation. A full list of the recipients can be viewed on our College website:

Leadership Restructure

Schools are not static places. If they don’t change and grow, they wither. As our world changes, schools need to change to effectively provide education in evolving circumstances. So, it is with St Virgil’s College.


Since commencing as Principal of St Virgil’s, it has been apparent that the College possesses a strongly committed staff, supported by a dedicated and experienced group of leaders whose contributions to St Virgil’s exceed what I have typically experienced in other schools. This provides the basis for a rich and unique educational community, characterised by strong support for the diversity of students attending the college and a genuine commitment to the characteristics of a Catholic education in the tradition of Blessed Edmund Rice.


On the other hand, the current needs of the college require a reorganisation of leadership structures to take place to meet this challenge and to become a better and more effective school. As such, earlier this term I sought approval from the College Advisory Council and EREA to undertake a leadership restructure. Feedback was obtained from the current Leadership Team as well as staff and the proposed structure will include the following new positions, which will commence at the beginning of 2023. 

  • Assistant Principal Catholic Identity and Mission
  • Director of Learning & Innovation 
  • Director of Student Wellbeing 
  • Director of Administration 

These positions along with the Principal, Deputy Principal, Business Manager and Head of Junior School will form the College Leadership Team. 


The addition of the Head of Senior and Head of Middle Schools will form part of the middle management structure of the college which will support the learning and pastoral needs of students from Years 7-12. These positions were recently advertised, and once appointments have been confirmed I will advise the community accordingly. 

Staffing Update 

I am pleased to announce that the following staff have been appointed to a number of positions which will commence next term.


Mr Andrew Harrison has been appointed to the position of Teacher of Digital Technologies replacing Mr Deon Scanlon who finished up at the end of last week to take on consultancy work in the IT industry. Mr Harrison is currently the Curriculum Leader Technologies at Hobart City High School where he has taught Digital Technologies, Mathematics and Media & Film since 2021. Andrew has also taught at Cosgrove High, Glenorchy, Feltham Community College, England, Ulverstone High and Horsham College in Victoria. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Teaching and Computing from the University of Tasmania and is an old boy of the College. 


Mr Thymon Venter has been appointed as Teacher of Humanities, English and RE and will replace Mrs Renee McGregor who will move to GYC next term. Mr Venter will commence at the beginning of Term 4 after transferring from Mt Maria College, Petrie, Queensland where he has held the position of Curriculum Leader – Performing Arts as well as Teacher of English, Religion, Drama and Humanities. Mr Venter has a Bachelor of Arts and Education and has experience in senior secondary education. 


On behalf of the College, I congratulate Mr Harrison and Mr Venter on their appointments and look forward to welcoming to St Virgil’s College next term.    

Head of Learning Enhancement 

I am thrilled to announce that Mr Sam Morey has been appointed to the substantive position of Head of Learning Enhancement replacing Mrs Jacinta Waddington. Mr Morey is an experienced educational leader and has been undertaking the role in an Acting capacity since the beginning of this term. Mr Morey has a deep understanding of the learning needs of students with additional needs at the College and will be a great support to them and their families as he takes on this role on a permanent basis.  Mr. Morey has a Bachelor of Human Movement, Graduate Certificate of Theology and Religious Education and has held leadership positions at St Paul’s Catholic Primary School and St Therese’s School. On behalf of the College, I congratulate Mr Morey on this significant appointment

2023 Appointments 


Miss Stacey King has been appointed as an Early Years Teacher from 2023 at the Junior School. We welcome Miss King from Austins Ferry Primary School, and previously Forest Primary School, in North West Tasmania. Miss King has taught across varying Primary grades, most recently as Teacher of Prep and Year 1.  Miss King has a Maters of Teaching and a Bachelor of Health Science and comes highly recommended to this position. 


Ms Connie Abate has also been appointed as an Early Years Teacher from 2023 at the Junior School. Ms Abate holds a Degree in Commerce and a Masters of Teaching (Primary) and joins us after more than 10 years at Sacred Heart College, teaching across various primary year levels.  Prior to teaching Ms Abate had a career in Human Resources in various organisations.  


We will welcome Miss King and Ms Abate in January 2023.  


Best wishes for the week ahead.


Jon Franzin