Year 3/4 Term 4 Overview

Year 3/4: Term 4

Welcome back to term 4!

We hope that you enjoyed the holidays and are ready for another very busy term. At the end of last term, we welcomed Sebastian S. to our 3/4MB class. We hope Sebastian and his family have a great start at St John's and they are warmly welcomed into our community. The term promises to be a busy one, with swimming lessons, Reconciliation, hockey sports day, Art show, 150 year celebration, Fete and kids disco. If you are able to assist in our morning literacy block after meditation, please let us know. 


Religious Education

In Religious Education we are investigating stories from the bible which demonstrate a connection with sacred places,  such as Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, The Garden of Eden ( Adam and Eve), Jesus in the desert, Noah’s Ark and Creation. As our Year 3 students will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation this term, we will be focusing on forgiveness and the steps to reconciliation. 

This will include learning the Act of Contrition, where they will reflect on times when they weren’t being a Jesus person and making better choices. 



In Number and Algebra, we will focus on Multiplication and Division, with a focus on the relationship between the two processes. We will also be exploring addition and subtraction by using a variety of mental and written strategies to recall addition and subtraction facts. 


In Measurement and Geometry, we will focus on mass, by measuring and comparing objects using familiar metric units of mass and capacity. We will also look at symmetry and identify and describe slides and turns found in the environment. 


In Statistics and Probability, we will be looking at chance and conducting chance experiments, to identify and describe possible outcomes. All lessons are preceded by fluency practice and supported by the online Mathletics program. 



In Reading, we are focusing on three levels of reading comprehension; literal, inferential and applied meaning. We will be discussing texts and using this reading strategy to support students in processing the content in the text. Students will be participating in reciprocal reading groups where different roles  are allocated each session so students have a responsibility in reporting back to their peers. This strategy encourages students to think critically about reading.  

Our teacher focus groups will support the continued development of fluency and expression through reading as well as looking into ways of deepening student comprehension levels.


The initial focus in Writing this term is on narrative writing, specifically looking at information narratives. Students will be investigating the purpose and structure of information narratives and writing their own narratives. We will also focus on persuasive writing and the techniques and language used to convince others to agree with our facts or arguments. 


Social & Emotional Learning

In SEL we are learning about the management of stress. Students will be exploring 

'What is stress?' 

'How does stress make us feel?' 

'What are the physical signs of stress?' 

'What strategies have we learned to calm ourselves?'



In Inquiry we are learning about Australia’s neighbouring countries. We will be exploring population, geography, capital city, modes of transport, native animals etc. Students will be researching one of our neighbouring countries and compare and contrast the geography, the population and features with Australia. 


Physical Education

This term in physical education, we are focusing on the skills used in playing tennis: forehand strike, backhand, serving and returning the ball. They will particpate in a Hockey Clinic in Week 2. Students will be participating in the Swimming Program for Weeks 3 and 4. 

For the remainder of the term we will be practising the skills needed to play cricket: bowling, fielding and batting. 


  • Daily reading and recording in reading records
  • Reading Eggs
  • Mathletics - Tasks will be set in Mathletics relating to classroom topics to consolidate learning. It is not expected that students would complete all tasks in one sitting. 
  • Additional tasks may be given to support students learning in core subjects 

We hope that students are finding the home learning grid easy to manage and provides them an opportunity to show their learning outside of school.



Students will have specialist classes on Thursdays (please see timetable below). They will be required to wear their sport uniform on Tuesday and one other day. Students will also need to bring in their library bag and books on their designated library day. 

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday




Visual Art (CB)

Sport (CM, MB) 

Library (CM, MB) 


Performing Art

Visual Art (CM, MB)

Sport (CB)

Library (CB)

Important dates to remember:

Hockey Clinic: Wednesday 12 October 

Kids Disco: Friday 14 October 

Reconciliation Formation Night: Tuesday 18 October 7-8pm

Reconciliation Commitment Mass: Saturday October 22 6pm OR Sunday October 23 9.45am

Swimming: Monday 17 October - 28 October

Art Show: Friday 4 November 

150 YEAR Celebration for St John's School: Sunday 6 November

STEM Excursion: Tuesday 8 November 

Reconciliation Mass: Tuesday 8 November 6pm 

School Closure Day: Friday 18 November 

SJM Fete: Saturday 19 November

Mini Mission Day: Tuesday 22 November 


If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us:




