Year 10 Advance Camp

Rubicon Outdoor Education Camp
To start 2019, Year 10 Advance students were tested with a five day bush camp in the Cathedral Range, hiking, rock climbing and white water rafting. Students were met with many challenges along the way, not only from the long hot days and carrying all their equipment, but also learning to lead, communicate, navigate and judge distances bush walking.
Everyone took up the challenge focusing on sharing leadership roles, being a leader or navigator, all while hiking and rock climbing the peaks of the Cathedral Ranges around 1200m above sea level! After two days of hiking, students were met back at camp by a cool creek for a swim, and prepared for the last challenge...climbing Mount Sugarloaf. Through great teamwork and encouragement everyone managed the hike and short rock climb up a 25m rock face to be rewarded with the amazing views of the rolling hills surrounding Kinglake.
The final activity of the week was white water rafting on the Goulburn River; a time to enjoy the water and put into action some co-ordination and leadership skills. All rafting teams worked incredibly well together to navigate the white water sections of the river and cruised to the end, ready for some rest and to head back to Cobram the next day.
Congratulations to everyone for meeting the challenges of the week and taking the first steps towards completing Advance at Cobram Secondary.