McKinnon Secondary College and Ripponlea Institute (our RTO) are proud to announce that 80 Year 10 language students of German and French will be awarded their Certificate II in Applied German or French. This program was introduced and integrated in the Year 10 German and French course in 2012. The certificate is a national qualification and acknowledgement of the students’ language learning. Our students will be presented with their certificates in one of the first assemblies next year.
On Wednesday 30 November 2016, all Year 7 German students were treated to a German Dance lesson by the best German Dancer in Australia. His name is Rowan Classen and he has been on The Today Show, The Living Room and The World Cup show on SBS. Our students enjoyed learning the popular type of dancing called `Schuhplattler´ or ‘slap dancing’ in English. It originates in the Alpine regions and you have to stomp, clap and strike the soles of your shoes, thighs and knees with flat hands. Everyone had lots of fun dancing and Rowan Classen was really impressed by our students’ energy and enthusiasm.
Here just a few of our students’ comments at the end of this program:
“Yesss!!!! he got us really hyped up” John
“The dancing was Top Notch!” Kevin
“It was an unforgettable experience!” Vatsal
“The dance was easy to learn and hard to forget….” Bridget
Karin Paal
German Teacher
On Friday 9 December 2016, twenty-two excited French students will leave Melbourne for their four week exchange program in France at our sister school, the Centre International de Valbonne. They will spend two weeks at the school and two weeks on holiday with their French families before returning home in January. We wish them well for their trip and time overseas and we all look forward to hearing from their adventures next year.
Ms Dickson also hosted an Information Session for the current Year 9s who are considering applying for the 2017 French Exchange program. Many families attended the session on Tuesday 29 November, eager to learn more about what the program offered. They are now in the process of completing their written applications for Ms Dickson to take to France with her to begin the matching process.
A big ‘thank you’ to the exchange coordinator, Ms Dickson for her continuous and tireless effort in organising this great opportunity for our students and to all parents and students involved for their commitment to this program.
BON VOYAGE to all McKinnon exchange students and Ms Antal, Ms Dickson and Ms Fowler who will accompany the students to France.
Did you know ....
The fir tree has a long association with Christianity, it began in Germany almost 1,000 years ago when St Boniface, who converted the German people to Christianity, was said to have come across a group of pagans worshipping an oak tree. In anger, St Boniface is said to have cut down the oak tree and to his amazement a young fir tree sprung up from the roots of the oak tree. St Boniface took this as a sign of the Christian faith. But it was not until the 16th century that fir trees were brought indoors at Christmas time.
Today Christmas is celebrated around the world and the tradition of gift giving - related back to the legend of Saint Nicholas which is celebrated on 6 December in many countries (19 December in most Orthodox countries) - has become a traditional festival for children and families. Although it is a quieter and more reflective season in Europe, many companies have also taken on the tradition of companies’ Christmas parties which are more common in English speaking cultures.
Christmas is still one of our holidays where families come together, sometimes from all over the world, to celebrate and enjoy the festive season. With all the crazy Christmas shopping ahead of us we should not forget that the time we give each other is clearly a priceless gift!
Andrea Fowler
KLA Manager Languages