Mental Health & Wellbeing Report

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” - Aesop
Dear Parents/Carers/Families,
This week, I want to touch on kindness. Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. When you think of “being kind” what comes to mind first? Maybe you think about a friend or family member who you know you can rely on for comfort and support, maybe you think of a person who always tries to be friendly when you cross paths, or maybe you think of those who volunteer to help in their communities. There are many definitions of what it means to be kind and kindness is often entwined with related concepts like empathy, compassion, gratitude, and generosity. Research suggests that kindness is a gesture motivated by genuine, warm feelings for others whilst further studies have found that being kind is linked to increased feelings of happiness, wellbeing, and life satisfaction. What have you done to be kind over the past week?
6 Ways to Teach Kids to Be KindThe best thing we can do to make the world a better place for our kids is to create a culture of kindness in our workplaces and homes by modelling acts of kindness and gratitude. Together we can do this by:
- Helping children understand what kindness means
- Inspiring their imagination
- Modelling kindness everywhere we go
- Encouraging kind habits
- Understanding that kindness isn’t always easy
- Paying attention to the effects of kindness
- Being thankful for the things we have
Lost Property Update
Please remember to label your child’s uniform and other belongings. This simple act makes it easier to identify who the item belongs to, and we can return it to the rightful owner. Currently we have lots of unnamed uniform in Lost Property – some of the items has been donated by families who no longer attend our school. If you need assistance with obtaining any uniform items, please contact the school on 9743 5818 and ask for Aira Agarano or myself.
End of Term 1
As this is the last week of Term 1, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy holiday, and HAPPY EASTER to those who partake in this celebration.
“Treat everyone with kindness, even those who are rude to you – not because they are nice, but because you are.” – Author Unknown
Kind Regards,
Vanessa Moore
Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator (MHWC)