From the Principal


We congratulate our St Francis de Sales students who made their First Reconciliation on Wednesday 30 March at St Kevin's Church, Hampton Park. We are very proud of each one of them and wish them the very BEST. God's Blessings ALWAYS.


We also thank the parents and families of these children who participated in the family session and as the first and most important educators and role models, prepared their child for this special Sacrament.


Huge thanks to Rozeta, for all her work in ensuring every detail was considered and the children and staff were prepared for this Sacrament. Rozeta flew to a funeral in Sydney that morning, and ensured she returned in time for the sacrament that evening. Thanks to Fr Desmond Moloney, Fr Anil and Fr Brendan Lane from St Mary's, Dandenong and ex Parish Priest of St Kevin's for making the children's First Reconciliation a positive and memorable experience.


Finally, my enormous gratitude to the brilliant senior teaching team at St Francis de Sales, Ange our Deputy Principal and Kristy for all their support, professionalism and commitment to our children and to our school. I was in quarantine, as a close contact and unfortunately unable to attend. I am so proud of our team that work together to ensure that the Sacrament was special for the children.


Each child received a certificate and a rosary from St Francis de Sales at the conclusion of the Sacrament. On Friday they received a special cup cake thanks to our Parents and Friends.


Animated by LOVE

What has unfolded in the past two weeks totally exemplifies our school vision....


A faith Community Animated by love!


What began as a little idea has grown day by day and increased in momentum!! It is incredible!! It brings tears to our eyes to see this unfold. I am just so proud of our students and our community. The generosity of spirit is at the next level. Firstly, the efforts from our bakers and sellers has been sensational. Every day they go home and bake more and more because every day whatever they bake is sold out!! Secondly, there are those champions who have donated ingredients or baked. Then there are the swarm of children and parents who come along each day and now each afternoon to buy cakes and biscuits.


There are so many stories shared of generosity. Some of these include the little children, who come up with their $1 just to donate and not take a cookie and then there is the child who came along and brought his bag of coins and put it on the table and walked away. He just wanted to donate. He came back the next day and brought three bags of coins!!


This week we had a huge donation from :

Ciro's Cakes and Biscuits Pasticceria, Noble Park

The generous donation meant that the Bake Sale was able to open before and after school this week. The generosity, the spirit, the effort and the desire to make a difference is heart warming. It is what Lent is about and it exudes animated by love!!!. We could not have a more real example of acting for good, for peace and to make it better. To do whatever we can. Ukraine has touched our hearts and St Francis de Sales, Lynbrook is standing with Ukraine. #StandwithUkraine 


This all began because one girl, Mia and one Teacher, Kristy wanted to do something. However without the entire community what has been achieved just could not happen. Thank you to everyone who has got involved.


Next week, On Friday 8 April at our assembly at 12:30pm a representative from the Ukrainian Crisis Appeal will be attending so that we can present them with the money we have raised from the Bake Sale and also a percentage of the funds from the Caritas Project Compassion Boxes. We are delighted. Now we will all have to wait till next Friday for Kristy, Mia and Zoe to reveal the final amount raised. If you would like to donate, you still can just out the money in an envelope marked Bake Sale Donation. Please join us for this fabulous end to Term 1, 2022.

Lead by Example

In recent days I have been notified that we have a number of concerns with traffic in Alymer Road before and after school.

  • Parents are double parking on the road to let their children out.
  •  U-turns are performed in front of oncoming traffic.
  • Cars are blocking the driveways of the houses across the road.
  • Cars are being parked on the grass.
We do not want to have a serious accident in front of the school!!!

In addition, the lack of patience or respect by some for other road users or for our neighbours is not a great example for our children. Any continued lack of observance of the road rules and incorrect parking, will get reported to the Local Council. It would be a shame for the need for unpleasant fines at this time.


I request that parents use the drive through, if you are just dropping or picking up your child/children. If you need to enter the school, please park correctly. St Francis de Sales community is very fortunate to have so many places to park free of charge around our school. Let us be safe and lead by example.

CAR-PARK Reminder


Please remember the car-park is ONLY for STAFF cars. After drop off and before pick up times short term parking for visitors is available. However the Drop Off/Pick Up zone must be FREE of cars for the safety of children and to ensure the smooth movement of cars.

Invitation to the Holy Week Liturgies 

Next week we will be celebrating Holy Week Liturgies at SFS. These liturgies will take place in each space from 8:45 am at Morning Gathering. You are invited and are welcome to participate in our liturgies. Parents and Caregivers attending will need to show their vaccination status via Vic Service App on a Mobile device.


Monday 4 April - Palm Sunday  

  • LS1 - AP & IH, LS2 - SD & RC and LS3 -TP & LY

Wednesday 6 April - Holy Thursday 

  • LS1- AP & IH, LS2- MA and EM and LS3- MJ and MA

Thursday 7 April - Good Friday 

  • LS1- ND & RJ, LS2- SR &C and LS3 RA & TB
Parents Entry Point into space
LS1 - Enter through the sliding doors from Rosie’s area and the middle door.
LS2 - Juniors enter through CW’s door and Seniors enter through SD’s door.
LS 3 - ART area.

School Photos 

School Photos will be held on Tuesday, 5th April.  Order envelopes have been sent home with your child.  Full summer school uniform, including black shoes need to be worn on this day.

 Parent/ Teacher/Student Interviews

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews Thursday, 7th April from 2.30 pm onwards.

Home Group CW - Chris Williams - Interviews Wednesday, 6th April from 2.30 pm 


Interviews will be face to face onsite in the Learning Spaces with teachers this Term. Each interview is allocated 15 minutes with your HOME GROUP TEACHER to enable you to discuss your child’s progress. 


Your child is also asked to attend, as their goal setting will be discussed at this time. Please wear a face mask to these interviews and you will need to show your vaccination certificate. 

Please note that even though Interviews will start at 2:30 p.m. students will not be dismissed until the usual time of 3:20 p.m. If you wish to collect your child/children between 2:30-3:20 will need to sign a release slip from the office. 


Have a great weekend and get ready for a BIG last week of Term 1, 2022. Get your sponsors for the FUN run and Colour Explosion.



Christine White
