Term 2 Calendar 2022
Week 2
Friday 6th May - Mother's Day breakfast and stall
Friday 6th May - School Cross Country 9.20 -11.30 to be held at school
Friday 6th May - Canteen open
Week 3
Monday 9th May - CWA Public Speaking School Finals -9.15am in McMullen Hall
Tuesday 10th May - Friday 13th May - NAPLAN Assessments for Years 3 and Year 5
Friday 13th May - Canteen open
Week 4
Tuesday 17th May - PSSA Rugby League Knockout at Jack Arrow oval
Wednesday 18th May - Support Year 5 to Year 7 Review Meetings(Ms Reedy coordinating)
Wednesday 18th May - Infants Assembly under the COLA from 12.40pm-1.15pm
Wednesday 18th May - Primary Assembly under the COLA from 2.10pm-3.00pm
Friday 20th May - Canteen open
Week 5
Monday 23rd May-Thursday 26th May - CWA Public Speaking Zone finals in Orange
Friday 27th May - Canteen open
Week 6
Friday 3rd June - Canteen open
Week 7
Wednesday 8th June - Infants Assembly under the COLA from 12.40pm-1.15pm
Wednesday 8th June - Primary Assembly under the COLA from 2.10pm-3.00pm
Friday 10th June - Canteen open
Week 8
Monday 13th June - Queens Birthday Long Weekend Public Holiday
Friday 17th June - 'Be Skilled, Be Fit' Commonwealth Games Day
Friday 17th June - Canteen open
Week 9
Wednesday 22nd June - Friday 24th June - Stage 3 Canberra Excursion
Friday 24th June - Semester 1 Reports home
Friday 24th June - Canteen open
Week 10
Wednesday 29th June - Infants Assembly under the COLA from 12.40pm - 1.15pm
Wednesday 29th June - Primary Assembly under the COLA from 2.10pm - 3.00pm
Friday 1st July - Canteen open
Friday 1st July - Last Day Term 2