Term 2
COVID Safe Measures
Term 2
COVID Safe Measures
COVID-smart Measures
During Term 2 we will operate with a number of COVID-smart measures that have been developed with NSW Health to minimise transmission and keep schools open.
These key measures include:
In certain circumstances, NSW Health and the Department of Education may advise that certain COVID-smart measures be temporarily reintroduced at your school. Your principal will work with Health and the department and provide further details of any changes to COVID-smart measures at your school when required. These temporary measures may include:
ceasing large indoor gatherings
ceasing off-site and inter-school activities
mask wearing for adults and high school students
limiting visitors to schools
separating cohorts of students
symptomatic use of RATs
learning from home or remotely.
Close Contacts attending school
The announcement to ease the isolation requirements for close contacts was made on 20 April 2022. This will enable students and staff who are close contacts and have no symptoms to continue to attend school if they follow guidelines agreed with NSW Health. However, students and teachers who are in the support unit will need to self-isolate and will be supported to continue learning or working from home where possible.
Note that staff and students who have had confirmed COVID-19 in the last 12 weeks do not have to comply with the following guidelines if they become a household or close contact and are not required to self-isolate or test unless they develop new COVID-19 symptoms.
Close contacts attending school will need to adhere to the following in addition to the NSW Health guidelines:
Staff and students cannot attend school if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19.
If symptoms occur at any time, your child should not attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test (RAT).
Additional delivery of RATs will be provided for students and staff who are identified as close contacts and are returning to school.
On Tuesday, 3rd May we will be sending the additional multipack of RAT kits home with students.
The RAT kits can be used for symptomatic testing or for daily testing as part of the close contact requirements. Note that students and staff in support classes who are identified as close contacts must not attend school and learn from home.
It is recommended that students and staff that return to school after recovering from COVID-19 do not participate in rapid antigen testing for 12 weeks following release from self-isolation unless they develop new COVID-19 symptoms. This is due to NSW Health advice that people who have recovered from COVID-19 have a low risk of contracting it again in the following 12 weeks.
For positive COVID-19 cases
If there is a positive case in your child’s class, year or other grouping, your child can continue to attend school in line with NSW Health advice.
If a student or staff member receives a positive RAT test, they need to:
Registering your child’s positive RAT with Service NSW is a requirement of the Public Health Order and helps NSW Health track COVID-19 in schools and address any public health issues early on if required.
Negative results do not need to be reported to Service NSW or to the school.
We will inform families when there is a positive case in the school and guide you on NSW Health advice, including monitoring for symptoms. Parents should expect regular communication.
For more information, including COVID-19 guidelines and fact sheets, refer to People who tested positive or were exposed to COVID-19.
Visitors on school grounds
Schools can invite visitors – including parents, carers and families – to their sites regardless of their vaccination status, in line with settings in the broader community.
Workers and volunteers must meet mandatory vaccination requirements including:
Masks are not mandatory for staff in primary schools.
In line with community settings, workers who support our students with disability in support units and some mainstream classrooms will be required to wear masks while working with students.
Masks are still required on school sites for anyone doing any of the following types of work:
Staff and students will be supported to wear a mask if they choose to do so.
In line with the latest advice from NSW Health, masks are recommended for students and staff who have recovered from COVID-19, completed their 7-day isolation period and are no longer showing symptoms for an additional 3 days (from days 8 – 10 after receiving a positive COVID-19 result).
Additionally, mask-wearing is mandatory for staff returning to school as close contacts for 5 school days and recommended for primary school students returning to school as close contacts for 5 school days. Where students or staff are unable to wear a mask, they will be supported to learn or work remotely.
In certain circumstances, NSW Health and the Department of Education may advise that certain COVID-smart measures be temporarily reintroduced at your school. Your principal will work with Health and the department and provide further details of any changes to COVID-smart measures at your school when required.
Fresh air is the most effective form of ventilation to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Where there is no natural ventilation, schools will use mechanical ventilation to maximise fresh airflow in learning spaces. Using outdoor spaces will continue to be encouraged.
As we move into the colder months, heating will be used in conjunction with windows and doors remaining slightly open to continue to allow natural ventilation. Using outdoor spaces will continue to be encouraged where possible.
Hygiene and cleaning
Students and staff are encouraged to wash their hands regularly with soap and water.
Schools will continue to use enhanced cleaning processes. Target areas include high-touch areas, hard surfaces, door handles, lockers, light switches, and handrails in stairways and areas where students and staff move through regularly.