Quicksmart Numeracy at Koonung 

Quicksmart Numeracy 

Quicksmart Numeracy has run at Koonung for five years and while common at many schools we use a novel approach and pair Senior School instructors with Year 7 students. These instructors are responsible for taking students through an individualised program to improve their computational speed and knowledge of maths strategies.

During Remote Learning we have transitioned Quicksmart Numeracy to run via Zoom, with each instructor using a variety of applications to deliver the program. It has been amazing to see Year 11 and 12 students learn how to operate a traditionally hands-on program in such a short period of time. Their commitment to arriving early to each session and their willingness to help their students has been incredibly heartening.

The bond shared between instructor and student has always been a benefit of using Senior School students as instructors. However, during Remote Learning this benefit has been amplified as it has provided an additional opportunity for socialisation for both student and instructor.

Alvin Fung, Daniel Caine, Paris Dardoumbas, Charlotte Field and Samuel Spicer are fantastic instructors and make me glad to be part of the Koonung school community. 


David Elliott

Director of Learning - Maths/Numeracy across the curriculum