Principals' Report

Principal Team Report 

What an incredibly different world we are living in at the moment. Our way of life has changed dramatically and rapidly, however, our transition to remote learning has shown us is that we are a very resilient and resourceful community. I could not be prouder of our staff members, students, parents and carers as we work together to make the best of a new environment for learning. I appreciate the incredible workload and tremendous learning that staff members have undertaken to prepare for a different Term 2. I am also really impressed by the agile way everyone has forged ahead with our academic program.


We have been particularly pleased with the attendance and response of our students and I know the teachers and education support staff have worked hard to provide detailed lesson plans and resources and to make regular contact with our students. Our program has ensured that there is the opportunity for someone from the school to interact with each student every day. If students are missing sessions teachers, coordinators and education support staff are following up and doing their best to ensure all are engaged.


Remote learning is a new way of teaching and learning and requires patience. Issues will arise with technology and we know families are juggling multiple demands, as are many of our staff, who are trying to deliver a learning program as well as supervise their own children or share work space with other members of the family.  As the community information reminds us “we are all in this together”.


I know this situation can create a sense of anxiety and I am sure our VCE students are particularly worried about the impact this will have on their studies.  It is important to remember that all students across the state are navigating this situation, we will not be disadvantaged. The key points are to remain calm, take care of your health and well-being and do your very best.  Stay connected with friends, family, teachers and other staff. We are all here to help you as best we can. Exercise and good nutrition are particularly important, because as always, a healthy body supports a healthy mind and clear thinking.


We have received some really positive feedback and great support from our community and I appreciate that so many parents and students have gone to the trouble of sending lovely messages and emails to the school. Thank you, I know it brightens everyone to read them.   Take care and stay in touch.


Marianne Lee 


Schools That Excel: Eastern winners stand apart in a crowded field 


At a time when all the news is  focusing on Covid-19 it was pleasing to be announced as  the Eastern region winner in The Age  2020 "Schools that Excel" list. Read the full interview with Koonung Principal Marianne Lee who speaks at length about the keys to our success. Marianne Lee refers to the great,  hardworking staff who support each other in teams and are dedicated to doing their best for their students. Equally important are engaged and aspirational students who are socially outward looking, along with supportive parents.  Mrs Lee also speaks of the high expectations in all areas of our school to provide a great all rounded education with access to quality experiences both in and outside of the classroom.


When questioned about coping with surrounding competition of private schools and strong performing state schools Marianne Lee articulates that we don’t compete, instead we work with other schools and cooperate as part of a state system. We all want our kids to do better.


To access the article that featured in The Age on Saturday 18 May 2020 please click on the link below: 

What sets Koonung apart - the full interview

Facilities work over the term break

Term break periods give us an opportunity to complete tasks that require extended work or would cause a disruption to the teaching and learning program. This break, Mat and Pete put their energies into the following  tasks and we thank them for their hard work and efforts to improve the physical resources of our College

  • New lockers installed
  • Wood technology room and second hand uniform shop painted
  • Internal roof ceiling tiles in gym/theatre replaced
  • Wiring and decking throughout the College repaired
  • Gym toilets repaired
  • Gutters across the College cleaned
  • Trees trimmed around the College buildings
  • Garden irrigation systems installed.

Capital Works Program Update

College Council has signed off on the final Schematic Design report, details of which are below.  We are looking forward to participating in the next design development meeting, which will be held in the following weeks.


Stace Kerr

Business Manager