Principals Report
Dear Parents and Friends,
“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein.
Over the last week’s students in the SEAL program have been engaged in a fabulous enquiry learning project based around the problem “How do I keep my cool?” – led by our SEAL Leader, Sam Sharpe, students from Year seven to nine have come up with some projects in response to the question including making videos, creating a computer game, creating an electronic air conditioner, finding uses for plastic bottles to ‘cool’ the Earth and creating public addresses to save the planet from Global Warming – is has been exciting to see the student’s progress and their enthusiasm for this work.
Teaching staff across the College are busy completing assessments for the first Semester of learning. Reports are due to be distributed to parents by the end of the first week of Term 3.
We know assessment has a powerful effect on student learning. Our assessment methods are selected on the basis of their impact on desired student learning, behaviour and outcomes, their feasibility, validity and reliability.
In the lead up to preparing mid-year reports:
• Teachers use a variety of formative assessment methods to monitor student on-going progress and cater for all students at their point of need.
• Teachers use a range of agreed summative assessments to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition and academic achievement.
• Teachers all follow VCAA marking criteria and procedures for Student Assessed Coursework (SACs) at VCE level and review regularly in accordance with updated policies.
• Teachers follow the prescribed VCAL curriculum and design consistent projects and tasks which promote applied learning.
• Teachers use student samples of work collected throughout the Semester alongside other formal data such as school-based assessments, On Demand, PAT testing, and e-write to plan for next steps.
We look forward to sharing your student’s progress with you.
Have a great week!
Kind regards
Claire Kelly
Important Dates – Term 2
- Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday: 10th June
- GAT Test: 12th June
- School Council Meeting: 13th June
- Debutante Ball: 14th June
- Year 12 Camp: 26th June – 28th June
Term 3
- Student Free Day - Monday 15th July (Staff Professional Development)
Year 7 2020 (Update)
Additional tours of the McGuire Campus will be offered each Monday morning for the remainder of Term 2, commencing at 9:30am.
Please contact the office to book your place on 5858 9800.