2018 Term Dates 


Term Two Dates

Tues 1st - Friday 4th May

Unit One Outdoor Education Camp - Wilson's Prom

Wed 9th - Frid 11th May

Justice Matters Camp

Wed 9th May

Arts week Cinema Night 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Thurs 10th May

St Joseph's Has Talent

Frid 11th May

Arts Week Dress Up Day

Mon 14th May

Campaspe Inter & Senior Boys/Girls Soccer

Year 8 Geography Excursion

Tues 15th May

Tea 4 Timor

Tues 15th - Thurs 17th May

NAPLAN Testing

Wed 16th May

KEM Educating for Justice Student Seminar

Year 10 Macbeth performance

Year 9 Romeo and Juliet performance

Tues 22nd May

Beacon Careers Expo (9:30-12:35 pm)

Thurs 24th May

Nicholls House Celebrations

Campaspe Cross Country

Frid 25th May

Chisholm House Celebrations

Reconciliation Service and whole school assembly

Mon 28th May

LMR Soccer Inter & Senior Boys/Girls Moama

Wed 30th May

LMR Senior AFL

Year 10 Geography Field Trip

Parent Evening - The Resiliency Project 7:00pm-8:30pm

Thurs 31st May

Resilience Project Student Seminar Year 7-9 9:15am- 10:15am

Resilience Project Student Seminar Year 10-12 11:00am-12:00am

Mobile phone  use at school









We do have procedures around the use of mobile phones at school. Primarily these are in place to ensure the student learning can proceed without interruption or distractions. In summary the procedures are:


Unless directed to use mobile phones by your teacher, students who have a phone that is seen, heard or used will:


i.          Be asked to hand the mobile to the teacher and receive it back at the end of the lesson.

ii.         Should this occur a second time the teacher will take the phone to the front office for collection at the end of the day and record the incident.

iii.        If this was to occur again a meeting between students, parents and the House Leader will be arranged.


*Refusal to comply at any stage would escalate the issue to a higher level.


How can parents/guardians help us?


1. Reinforce and support these basic expectations through conversations at home with your son/daughter.


2. Despite the temptation, please refrain from contacting your child via mobile phone during class time. You can imagine that this can be a source of frustration for our teachers.  If you really need to contact your child in an emergency, please go through the front office. The other alternative is to wait until our designated break times at recess (10.25 – 10.45am) or lunch (1.25 – 2.05pm).


With thanks in anticipation of your support.


Grant Kemp

Leadership Team – School Operations

"Recently all Year 10 students received a free Year 10 Meningoccoal Vaccine. Those Year 10's that were away on the day are able to have this immunisation at any one of the following Campaspe Shire Catchup Sessions:"


Provided in partnership with the Campaspe Regional Library, Echuca



Study support in English, Maths, Science and more.


1) Writing Feedback Service: Constructive feedback from real-live expert tutors in less than 24 hours, 24/7.

2) Connect Live Service: One-to-one help in real time through live chat and online interactive whiteboard.

3) Website:  www.studiosity.com .



Yes.  Join at Campaspe Regional Library or

through St. Joseph’s College Library.




Contact St. Joseph’s College Library T. 54822577,


E. Library@sje.vic.edu.au or go to www.studiosity.com