News from Playgroup

Sensory Experiences

Although our Playgroup is on pause until lockdown ends, we were able to participate in some meaningful play experiences prior to the lockdown. We look forward to welcoming all our Little Learners back in the coming weeks.


Recently we have been enjoying creating our own sensory jars which we were all able to take home to further play with and enjoy. The children took great care and pride in choosing which glitter colours they would like in their jar and some even added paper clips so that their jars were able to make sounds as well. 


The children practiced transferring skills by using measuring cups to fill their jars while trying not to spill too much water. Hopefully, our Little Learners were able to enjoy taking their jars home and experimenting further by adding more items to the jars or holding them over light to see what patterns they could create on walls.


We all enjoy our weekly visit from Angelique our Companion Dog, who not only is a great joy for all the children but many of our parents as well. 

We are also very grateful for our new bike and kitchen which the children have thoroughly enjoyed experiencing. 

Ball games remain a popular experience for many of our children. While it may seem simple, ball games provide our little ones with endless opportunities for practicing coordination, gross motor skills, and tracking. Ball games also happen to be one of Ang's favourite playgroup activities.

Kind Regards


Mrs Talia Loarson

Playgroup Coordinator