News from Prep

Report Writing and Religion

Although this term has not started the way we had hoped, I am incredibly proud of the resilience all our Prep students have shown during this latest lockdown. I thank you all for your continued support and patience as we continue to adapt to our current situation.


Recently we have continued to work our way through the alphabet with Gg for Goose, Yy for Yoyo, Xx for Xylophone and Ww for Whale. 

In creating our yo-yo's, we each traced around our hands and then carefully cut around our stencil before tying on a string and adding a patty pan for the yoyo. 

When working on the letter X, it was important that the children understood that x can make different sounds depending on the word it is present in. For example, at the beginning of a word the x makes a softer 'z' sound which we represented by our xylophone. When the x is present at the end of the word, it often makes a stronger 'ks' sound which we represented by creating origami boxes. The video we used to create our origami boxes is below should you like to have a try at home with your child. 

During religion, we have been learning about Jesus feeding the 5,000 people (Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9, John 6) which is one of the most popular miracles in the gospels. In the story, a large crowd of thousands of people follows him and his disciples to a deserted place. There isn’t enough food to feed them and the disciples get worried. They gathered five loaves and two fish and Jesus blessed and multiplied the loaves and fish to feed more than five thousand people. To represent this story,  the children made baskets and put the loaves and fish inside.

As part of our ‘Change” unit last term for Inquiry, we discussed how chameleons change to camouflage themselves in the environment.  We coloured our chameleons and hid them around the classroom. Can you find one of our chameleons?

We also discussed the changes of seasons that we experience through the year. Each child created their own seasons' poster to represent the changes that happen to trees throughout each of the seasons we experience in Australia.

A part of our literacy, we are looking at the report genre. We have written reports about ladybirds and butterflies. The structure of a report requires a heading and information about the topic. We have worked on displaying our information in a bright and engaging way. We have set out our information as questions and answers. For example: 

What am I?

What do I look like? 

Where do I live? 

What do I eat?

We have also added ‘Other interesting facts and/or Lifecycle’


We created individual ladybird projects and worked as a class to create a large butterfly project. 

Kind Regards


Mrs Margaret Maher

Prep Classroom Teacher