Subject selection

The initial part of Subject selection for 2022 is now complete. Well done to all students that managed to get their preferences submitted on time.
All this information is now with the Timetabler. He then meets with the Principal Team to discuss which subjects will be offered and how many classes will run at each year level before designing the timetable. Having 1650 staff and 100+ staff makes this a complicated task.
Courses will be confirmed via student email in the first few weeks of Term 4.
It is important any students wishing to make a change to their subjects do so according to the timeline below. Information on how to book an appointment will be posted on Compass in Term 4.
Week 4 – Year 12 2022 subject change appointments (Mon 25/10)
Year 11 2022 subject change appointments (Wed 27/10)
Week 5 – Year 10 2022 subject change appointments (Wed 3/11)
All subject changes will be processed by Friday 5/11
Week 6 – Parent course confirmation posted on Compass