
By Ms Sammie Graham

In 5D, we have been synthesising our knowledge during Literacy when writing Creative Information Texts. On Friday, 18th of June, we went on a learning walk to engage our five senses, with a particular focus on sound. During this time, we walked around the school and listened intently to the things around us and noticed what things inspired us to write about, tuning in to different types of figurative language that we have been learning about in our lessons. This term, we have had a focus on similes, metaphors, personification and hyperboles and we are very proud to share some of these examples with you from our writing. 


Cody - ‘Hummingbirds talking, the squelch of mud under my feet.’ - Personification. 
Safwan - ‘I watched the trees sway. The wind whistled through the trees, it’s winter time.’ - Personification
Sahana - ‘I heard my legs splashing. No matter, I didn’t do this on purpose. I’ve done this a million times.’ - Hyperbole
Sethumi - ‘I hear rain drops smacking metal tables.’ - Personification
Helen - ‘A hunter’s eyes, a vicious snarl.’ - Metaphor
Elissa - ‘I feel the cold, like I’m inside a refrigerator.’ - Simile
Yassin - ‘I can feel the pitter patter of raindrops as cold as an ice cube.’ - Simile
Anda - ‘The numbat’s teeth are white like sugar.’ - Simile
Caleb - ‘I can feel the bitter cold wind, freezing my hand as if my fingers were little sausages in the freezer.’ - Simile
Senuki - ‘I feel the cold breeze hitting me.’ - Personification
Nethuli - ‘There are a thousand birds chirping.’ - Hyperbole
Jonathan - ‘The dog is running a million miles an hour.’ - Hyperbole
Cyrus - ‘Grass brushing my shoes.’ - Personification


5D have transferred their use of figurative language to their Information Reports to create a range of creative texts, including Infographics, News Reports and Creative Book Reports. The learners are very excited to share these with you during Student Led Conferences in the early weeks of Term Three.