Careers Night 

Careers Night - thank you to our alumnae speakers

Kate Pertile      2015

Sarah Burt        2011

Sinem Gultekin 2011

Holly Pertile     2013

Carla Massaria  2012

Azmeena Hussain OAM 2004

Gabby Farnan  2010

Lauren Conti    2012

Alice Nunan    2012

Georgie Brady 2012

Eilish Roberts  2014

Dr Scarlett Howard 2009

Felicity Baird   2014

Abby Chapman  2015

Ruby Cotchett  2015

Claire Waite     2008

Sangita Iyer      2014

Bernadette Toohey 2013

Allie Patten 2013

Rachel McKenzie 2012

Monica Pham 2010

Our first Online Careers Night was held on Wednesday 19 May. 


We had 21 amazing alumnae speakers presenting on ten panels with over 200 people attending online, many more with the family groups who watched together.


All staff felt enormous pride when listening to the alumnae talk about their various journeys since leaving the gates of Sacré Cœur. They are all forging ahead, with much passion, in their chosen fields and they had much wisdom to impart to the next generation of students. It was inspirational listening to them!

My sincere thanks to everyone who helped with the organisation of the event and all those who participated.

Pauline Steedman 

Careers Counsellor


Click on the image below to learn more about the alumnae speakers.