Thank you Kerry and Marianne

We are deeply grateful to Kerry and Marianne for their dedicated service to our Alumnae Association over the past three years as
Co-Presidents. With the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, they kindly agreed to serve an additional year in the role and ably steered the Alumnae Association through many months of lockdown, including the first ever Alumnae meetings on Zoom!
Marianne previously held the position of Secretary of the Association for six years and has worked hard to engage the younger alumnae. She also organises the High Tea ensuring this event has grown in popularity each year.
Kerry served as President in 1977 and has given so much of her time to ensure the governance of the association is updated. She has also dedicated many hours establishing a timeline of the Association.
They have both maintained strong contact with the entire Alumnae body, writing to many over the years with sympathy on the loss of loved ones or congratulations on achievements. They have also championed sacconect.
Kerry and Marianne are wonderful advocates for Sacré Cœur, tireless volunteers and dedicated alumnae.
We are delighted they have agreed to stay on as committee members.