Wellbeing/Curriculum News

Junior TG News

Last term the Junior children learnt all about the sacrament of Baptism.  The children were highly engaged learning about Jesus’ baptism and how different it was to a baptism they have seen or experienced today.

So, what have the children learnt about baptism that they wish to share with you?

Leo: I learnt a lot about baptism because I had my baptism this year!

I had holy water poured on my forehead and chrism oil was also used to place a cross on my forehead and chest. 

Keizen: I went to Leo’s baptism this year and I saw Ray’s parents carrying Leo’s baptismal candle because they were his godparents.

Nathaniel:I learnt that Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan.   I also learnt that where a baby is dipped into is called the baptismal font.

Fontaine: I learnt that a font is used when you get baptised in the Church but Jesus was baptised in a river. 

Arkan: I learnt baptism is in a Church.

Muriishe: I learnt a baby wears white.

Jonathan: I learnt that the baby gets baptised with holy water.  I also learnt that the godparents carry the baptismal candle for the child. 

Cormac: I learnt that the person that holds your baptismal candle is your godparent. I also learnt that chrism oil is used when baptised.

Nicholas: I learnt that the baby gets holy water poured over their head and that they get given a candle from their grandparents.

Tiago:  I learnt that the godparents hold a candle for the child and the baby wears a white gown.

Diya:  I learnt that babies or adults can get baptised.  I also learnt that Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan.    

Mya: I learnt that you get chrism oil placed on your forehead.  I also learnt that Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan.

Alyssa: I learnt that Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan. I also learnt that godparents give the priest a baptismal candle for him to bless and then give to the child.

Samuel: I learnt that you wear a special white gown when you get baptised and you also have godparents who look after you.

Arianna: I learnt that Jesus got baptised in the River Jordan and that He wasn’t a baby when He got baptised.  He was an adult.

Ray: I learnt a lot about baptism because I saw my mum get baptised and I saw Leo get baptised by my mum. My mum got some holy water on her forehead and got given a baptismal candle and was then welcomed into God’s family. It was a very special time for my mum.

Dante:  I learnt that when you get baptised you can be any age.

I also learnt that your godparents hold your baptismal candle and then give it to you.

Aiden: I learnt that the baby being baptised gets holy water on their forehead and they wear a white gown. 

John-Paul: I learnt that Jesus was baptised in a river.  A baby gets baptised in a church and wears a white gown.   

Adele: I learnt that you can be a baby or an adult to get baptised.  Leo got baptised this year.  He got a candle from his godparents.




 Sports Uniform

All children are permitted to wear sports uniform and runners on the days they have sport only.  School shoes must be worn with school uniform on the other three days of the week. Black runners do not count as school shoes. White socks are to be worn with both sport and school uniform for both girls and boys.  Girls can wear navy tights with their winter tunic.

Sports days for Term 3 are:

Senior M - Tuesday and Friday 

Senior C  - Tuesday and Friday

Middle C - Monday and Friday

Junior TG - Tuesday and Friday

Junior D  - Tuesday and Friday