Principal's News

Our theme for this year is 



Dear Parents,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Lamees Rousan to our school.


Lamees is an LSO who will be working in the junior building on Tuesdays and Thursdays commencing on 3rd August 2021. Lamees volunteered in our school earlier in the year and we were very impressed with her connection with the children, the ease at which she fitted in to our community  and her work ethic. If you see her around please say hi and  make her feel very welcome in our community.


I think we are all very glad to be back working onsite at school. Even with our current limitations it is still a whole lot better having the children at school every, day where we can teach the way we are meant to teach - in person, face to face, supporting, guiding, building relationships and making connections to support the children to achieve their best. 


It is still very important, to please keep your child at home if s/he is sick or has any Covid like symptoms. It is also necessary to get a Covid test and wait for a negative result before your child returns to school. The Delta strain is highly contagious, even among children and we need to be vigilant with the health of all our community members, so we can all continue to work and learn onsite with minimal interruption to the children's learning.


Our St Kevin's year  5/6 cricket and football district winners will be taking part in their divisional finals in the next couple of weeks. We wish them all the very best in the next stage of the competition. 




The first communion dates for the year 4 students have been postponed. The new dates are outlined below:

14th October - Student Reflection Day 9.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m.

14th October - Parent and Student Workshop Night 7.00 p.m. in the church

23rd October - 5.30 p.m. Sacrament of First Eucharist in the church

24th October - 10.00 a.m. Sacrament of First Eucharist in the church

Families will once again be able to choose which of the above dates suits their family best to celebrate their child's First Communion.


We will send home booking information as soon as we get it - hopefully sometime this week.

Bakers Delight Lunch:

Our Bakers Delight Lunch that was missed during the recent lockdown will take place on 20th August. If you placed an order previously you do not need to do anything else. If you would now like to place an order as you did not do so for the previous date that was missed you will be able to do so soon. Please watch out for the note that will come home soon that will allow you to place an order if you have not already done so or will remind you that you have placed an order already.

Donut Day:

On Wednesday 4th August those who have ordered donuts will receive them at recess time. The children will be able to eat their donut at recess or lunchtime or pack it in their bag and take it home to eat. Thanks to Tarn, Chloe's dad for supporting this fundraiser through his Ferguson Plarre shop at the Queen Victoria Market

PFA Meeting:

Our next PFA meeting will be held on Friday 6th August in the Library at 2.30 p.m.

Please come along and join this wonderful group of hard working parents who always love to have new members to their group.

School Advisory Council Meeting (formally School Advisory Board):

Our School Advisory Council will meet in the staffroom on Tuesday 10th August at 7.30 p.m. to finalise our documentation in regards to moving from being a School Advisory Board to a School Advisory Council. 

Covid Reminders:

  • You are very welcome to come into the office and direct all inquiries/messages  to Robyn, but please do not enter the learning spaces.
  • Please ensure you and your children stay home if unwell and get tested
  • Continue to practise good hand hygiene

Student Absence Requirements:



If you are aware of anyone who has a child starting prep in 2022  please encourage them to contact us for an enrolment pack. If you have a child starting school in 2022 - feel free to access the enrolment form on our website or by accessing the link below. 

Kindest regards


Frances Matisi
