Midweek News

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Online Parent Opinion Survey

On Monday 7 August, you will receive, via email, a link to our Parent/Caregivers/Guardians survey. The annual survey is offered by the Department of Education and is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The survey is optional but we encourage all families to participate. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. The survey will close on Friday 8 September 2023.

Respectful Relationships - Wellbeing Programme

In weeks 6-10, students will be looking at Topic 7: Gender and Identity. Learning activities within this topic assist students to challenge stereotypes and critique the influence of gender stereotypes on attitudes and behaviour. They will learn about key issues relating to human rights, gender, and identity and focus on the importance of respect within relationships.

For more information about the program, please click here.

Cake Lotto is Back!

The hugely popular Cake Lotto is back for Term 3! Weekly tickets are available on Qkr for $2 per ticket and 2 lucky winners will be drawn each week at Friday's Assembly. (Tickets close each Friday at 10 am). A different Year level is responsible for baking each week.

Volunteering to bake a cake is easy. 

Please click on the following web link to go to the signup sheet: volunteersignup.org/EDEYK

To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do.

Thank you for volunteering!

If unwell stay at home - Impact of influenza (flu)

To help protect our school and the wider community, we ask that unwell students stay home, given the impacts of flu and colds on our school community.   

We appreciate that attendance is important, but if your child has symptoms and is unwell, please keep them at home as this will help stop the spread of colds and flu to other children and staff. 

Exiting Students

If you have a child in Foundation through to Grade 5 who is planning to leave Toorak Primary School at the end of 2023 could you kindly email the office at toorak.ps@education.vic.gov.au. Thank you.

Second Hand Uniform Stall

The second-hand uniform stall will open this Friday 5th August from 8.30 am to 9.15 am. A plentiful supply of good quality preloved uniforms for sale at a fraction of the price of a new uniform!

Dental Checks

The Australian Dental Health Van will visit TPS week commencing 7th August to administer FREE dental checks for registered children. 

Interschool Skiing - It's not too late to enter! 

Would your child like to enter The Victorian Interschools Snowsport Championships from 21 to 27 August

We currently have 9 students competing. 

Please contact Anthony McIntosh on 

amcintosh@mutualtrust.com.au to register your interest to join the TPS Snowsports Team.