Careers & Pathways

Three milestone events in the Careers & Pathways calendar were held from the end of term 2 into the first week of term 3. Here are student reports on these events.
Year 10 Work Experience
Work experience is a hands-on experience for Year 10 students. The purpose of this program is to help give students an opportunity to explore possible career options and an understanding of the work environment.
This is a good opportunity for students to work on maturity, independence, self-confidence and self-understanding.
With Miss Bouchier's assistance that I was able to secure a placement at Yarrabah Yarrabah School in Aspendale. Yarrabah is a special education school that caters for children between the ages of 3 and 18 yeard old with an intellectual disability.
It was a pleasure to be at Yarrabah. The school is a beautiful place with inquiring students and memorable staff. I would be honoured to work with those students and staff again. During my time at Yarrabah, I worked with children as part of the Early Education Program (EEP).
I believe next year's Year 10 students would benefit greatly from this experience. This is an excellent opportunity for you to consider (or reconsider) what your goals are after finishing school. Ensure that you apply to multiple places (don't just apply to one) and be patient when waiting for a response.
Max Birch (Year 10)
Careers Expo
On Wednesday 12 July, Mentone Girls' Secondary College held a Careers, Pathways and Subject Selection Expo, which was open for all students from Years 9 to 12, kickstarting our plans for the future.
With various universities, TAFEs and other pathway options, it catered to all different aspirations and paths, there were plenty of resources to jump-start our career ideas and gain valuable resources through conversations, course booklets and more.
Overall, it was an excellent opportunity to ask questions and discover our ideal paths for the future!
Renee Hicks (Year 11)
Morrisby Career Profiling
Early in term 2, the Year 9 cohort undertook the Morrisby Career Profiling online assessment. This ‘assessment’ consists of a series of timed cognitive aptitude tests, which assess your individual strengths.
These appraisals are then designed for students to be able to access a list of careers that will suit their intellectual strengths, mental strengths, and personal interests, based on their results. The Morrisby Career Profiling is most suited for students who aren’t sure what career they might want to pursue in the future. This is important for year 9 students because, going into year 10, they need to start choosing subjects that will allow them to follow a certain career path.
Following the Morrisby assessment, students had one-on-one meetings with a Morrisby Careers consultant. The consultants helped us navigate the Morrisby online platform, as well as explaining subjects, and showing us what [3] subjects we would need to take [4] to get into a career in that area. They also showed us some possible future study and career options.
The Morrisby assessment allowed students to look into other career options that they might not have considered beforehand, and therefore I would definitely recommend future year 9s to do the profiling test, as it will help them navigate their way into VCE and their futures.
Eva Brennan (Year 9)
Ms Simone Bouchier
Careers and Pathways Coordinator