Student Leaders

Student Voice for Students' Appetite
At the end of term 2 our student leadership team stepped in when the Canteen was closed for a few days. They provided a greatly appreciated service for the students and raised funds for their community projects. A BBQ was offered on Thursday and on the final day of term, which was a Free Dress Day, sweet treats were a big hit at recess and lunchtime.
Connect Global Youth Forum
A team of ten Year 10-12 students representing the College at the Connect Global Youth Forum preliminary session. This is an online forum connecting about 250 students from across Victorian school with student of similar age in countries across SE Asia. The main event will be held on Friday 26 July.
Congratulations to the following group of students for their commitment, time and enthusiasm to connect with other students in different places.
- Candice Prior, Georgie Grub, Lucinda Tallar-Vilegi (Year 12)
- Olivia Ayyuce, Caitlin Hughes, Matilda Paridisis, Lucy Webster (Year 11)
- Lara Guevara, Erin McClements Matilda Waugh 10.
Raising and lowering of the School flags
Each week two of our Junior leaders are asked to raise and lower the four flags at the front of the school. The roster is emailed to students and appears in the classrooms. All Junior leaders are asked to check when it is their turn. The flags symbolically represent our entire Australian nation, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities and inclusive of our Rainbow members.
MordiaLions Club
The Mordialloc Lions Club has recently donated $1000 to our school, supporting our students and their educational initiatives. We grateful for their generosity and the positive impact it will have on our school community.
This donation was made possible by the Club's fundraising initiatives which includes the Mordialloc Lions Club Op Shop in Main Street Mordialloc. By donating quality items to the op shop - clothing, shoes, toys, books, and more - or being a customer our school community can support our school community and beyond.
Meeting attendance
All student leaders are reminded to regularly check emails and their teams Google Classroom for announcements. A number of students have been absent of late and it is slowing down the progress of some of the teams with their plans and goals for the year. “Many hands make light work”. Our senior Captains will be leaving us at the end of this term and so there is an opportunity for the younger leaders to step up and be more active in the teams.
Regular meeting should appear on your compass and if anyone cannot see them, please let Ms Harvey know.
Ms Wendy Harvey
Director of Student Leadership