Around the classrooms

In the Science Labs
Physical and biological science
In this lesson we aimed to replicate the method of electrophoresis used to separate DNA fragments by using a mixture of dyes. Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate molecules based on their electrical charge and size. The gel electrophoresis tank is connected to a power supply which feeds an electric current into the surrounding electrolyte solution in order to make one end positively charged and the other end negatively charged. We made wells in the middle of the gel for the four dyes and two mixtures and were able to determine both their charge and size. The dyes that travelled the most distance had the smallest molecules, the dyes that moved towards the negative end were positively charged and the ones that moved towards the positive end were negatively charged. We then used our findings to determine what dyes were used to create the mixtures. We were able to visualise how electrophoresis can be used to analyse, identify and purify the DNA fragments.
Emily Gough 10B
In the Circuit Room
There is new equipment in the circuit room. Thank you to the Parents & Friends' Committee for the funds to ensure the circuit room is up to date with the latest equipment. Added to the facilities are:
- Two Ski Ergs
- New Dumbbells
- Kettlebells
- Two Jump Boxes
The PFA provided a $5,000 grant to update the equipment. It's being put to good use, kicking off with Year 8 classes undertaking a 5-week fitness unit in Physical Education.
Fitness Club
A reminder to all students that the circuit room is open every lunchtime from 1.45. Please arrive in your MGSC PE uniform and bring a water bottle. 😊
Ms Justine Bowers
Health & Physical Education Domain Leader
In the Kitchen
The Unit 4 Food Studies students have been learning about the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and serving sizes. Students were provided with a variety of foods from the five food groups and had to estimate what a serving size would look like. They became very creative when making their own versions of the guide!
Ms Tess Molina
VCE Food Studies teacher