Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr

In Our Prayers

We pray for the repose of the soul of our Year 12 student whose funeral is this week.

We pray for the repose of the soul of Peggy Power, grandmother of Old Boys Seamus and Liam Coulson and current student Xavier Tyndall

We pray for the repose of the soul of Joyce Meehan, mother of staff member David Meehan


Dear Lord,

We pray that all members of our Marist family continue to be people of hospitality who welcome the stranger, feed the hungry and listen to the lonely. May we always show our love of other and self through our daily actions and words. 


Mary Our Good Mother,                     pray for us.

St Marcellin Champagnat,                 pray for us.

St Mary of the Cross,                          pray for us.

And let us always remember to      pray for one another.


Brother Seán D. Sammon, FMS Superior General. Foreword. Water from the Rock, Marist Spirituality by Editor-in-Chief: June 2007


First of all, like the founder himself, Jean-Marie Granjon, the Audras brothers—Jean-Baptiste and Jean-Claude, Antoine Couturier, Barthélemy Badard, Gabriel Rivat, and Jean-Baptise Furet were unpretentious country lads who lived by the work of their hands. Second, for the most part they were initially unlettered. The founder himself had had his share of academic difficulties, and struggled in the seminary due to his lack of preparation. But the loyalty and dedication of the young men that Marcellin gathered round himself had roots that ran far deeper than similarities in background or experience. For the founder was a man who had fallen in love with God, and with his help his young recruits eventually did the same. Yes, under his tutelage they grew ever more aware of God’s presence and began to rely on Providence.


Hebrews 13:2 “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”


As our students grow in their understanding of others, so too does their humility and appreciation of the beauty in others. Acknowledging the otherness in ourselves is sometimes the real challenge. For Marcellin Champagnat, it seems he knew that allowing oneself to love something more than themself such as God would form the foundation for his young recruits. 


The Mission Team a have duty to make Jesus known and loved, we are called to see Christ in our students and in turn teach them to see Christ in the other. Much of our daily work is relational and social, the programs, activities, events, masses, liturgies, retreats and much more focus on the pouring out of love, being eucharistic, making judgements about others that are compassionate and not about ourselves.

Staff Formation

Our RE Professional Development afternoon “Teaching Sacraments” last Wednesday was insightful as Fr Richard Leonard SJ led us through the development of Sacraments in the Catholic Church, starting with the significance of numbers in the bible (1, 3, 12, 40, 50), Original Sin, The Fall, Destructiveness of humanity and leading on to Baptism as re-unification with God, Metanoia (turning around and continuing with God), Godparents, Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism as the great sacrament, Eucharist, the Mass and the Road to Emmaus, Blessed, Broken, Shared and Poured Out taking into consideration the history of the Roman Empire and Constantine’s Edict of Milan (toleration of Christianity) to the development of Marriage as Sacrament from twelfth century onwards, Augustine’s contribution to Marriage as sacramental whilst leading us down a fascinating path from Confirmation to Compassionate Judgement. 


We have more Professional Development coming up on Tuesday 29 August and Tuesday 5 September in the Tower Function Room from 7:30am – 8:30am. An email from Mission will be sent out closer to the dates with a link to registration. All our staff are welcome to join us.

Stationery Aid 

Thank you to the students who have so ably supported our Stationery Aid MATES ministry on Friday mornings from 7:30am throughout the semester. We look forward to our new project for Term 3. 


The Stationery Aid collection bin can be found outside the Studies office. We began our Stationery Aid ministry again for Term 3 on Friday 21 July.


A note from ROSIES Kitchen: 

Thank you, Marist College Ashgrove, for all the support that you have given us over the years. Rosies Kitchen would be so grateful if you could help us spread the mission of Rosies and learn more about the patrons you have had an impact on this year by reading and sharing our current newsletter here: 

Inside Rosies,


Rosies Kitchen looks to secure more support to keep up with the increased demand on outreach across the state. As a College community we will be collecting packet/cups noodles in Term 3.


Marist College Ashgrove will be attending ROSIES street outreach during Term 3 and 4. Places are still available for Years 11 or 12 on the following nights throughout Term 4:


October:            Monday 16, Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18

November:        Monday 6 and Wednesday 8

St Vincent de Paul 

We invite students from Year 7 – 12 to join our St Vincent de Paul conference. We each meet currently during second break every Thursday in Room 801.


The group is a wonderful testament to the way our students respond to the call to stand with others. 

We are back serving our community BBQ on Thursday mornings from 7:15am in the main yard, and we are always happy for new volunteers. We are planning to run a Basketball competition at the end of Term 3 to raise awareness and funds. Much to do and much to plan for – all students from Years 7 – 12 are welcome to join and assist.


Head to the Mission Office for a meeting to register interest or email mates@marash.qld.edu.au