Hello Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to term 3, I hope all the kids have settled back into the school routine. Its hard to believe that we are already half through the school year.
Father’s Day Stall
It’s that time of the year again to celebrate our Fathers and Grandfathers, we love seeing the thought that goes into choosing the prefect gifts for children’s loved ones.This year our Fathers day Stall will be held on Wednesday 30th August.
Payments can be made via CDFPay or cash can be brought on the day. Just a reminder to please send your child with a bag to assist them in carrying their gifts.
We will be calling for parent assistance to help set up the stall as well as on the day. Anytime you can spare will be greatly appreciated.
Set up – Tuesday 29th from 2 pm
Stall day – Wednesday 30th from 9 am – 2 pm
If you are able to assist, please email or put your name down on the sign up form that will be available in the office.
To be able to assist at the stall parents will be required to have a current Working With Children’s (WWC) and have attended a parent induction. If you are yet to attend a parent induction please speak to the office for available dates.