Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear Parents and Friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
I hope this message finds you and your families in good health and high spirits.
In this Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus uses parables to explain the Kingdom of Heaven. These stories tell us that having God's love in our hearts is like finding the most amazing treasures ever! When we have a special friendship with God, it brings us lots of happiness and joy. It's so wonderful that we want to be very close to God and follow His teachings with all our heart.
Just like you might save up money to buy something you really, really want, these stories show that having God in our lives is even more important than anything else. We can show our love for God by being kind to others, helping those in need, and being good friends. Remember, God's love is the best treasure we can ever find!
Last week, we reached the mid-point of the academic year. I would like to take a moment to share some wonderful news about our recent Learning Conversations and commend our exceptional teachers, students, and staff for their dedication to ensuring a safe learning environment.
First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the parents who participated in the Learning Conversations. Your active engagement in your child's education is instrumental in fostering a strong partnership between home and school. These conversations have proven to be immensely valuable, allowing us to gain deeper insights into our students' individual needs and learning styles. Your feedback has been invaluable in shaping our strategies for continuous improvement.
Our teachers have worked tirelessly to create a nurturing and conducive learning atmosphere for all students, ensuring that they receive the attention and support they require to thrive academically and emotionally. I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our exceptional teaching staff. Their commitment to educational excellence and unwavering passion for their profession have made these Learning Conversations a success.
Over the past few weeks, we have been focusing on the school-wide expectation of SAFETY. I am immensely proud of our students who have embraced this school-wide expectation with remarkable responsibility and maturity. By adhering to safety protocols, our students have exhibited true leadership qualities and have ensured that our school remains a safe haven for learning and growth. I look forward to celebrating the Courage and Courtesy Awards later in the term.
Finally, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to all parents, teachers, and students for their outstanding contributions to our school's success. Together, we form a formidable team, committed to nurturing a positive and safe learning environment where our students can excel and reach their full potential.
Yours in partnership,
Michelle Bruitzman