Prep-2 Sector 



What an amazing start we have had to Term 3! The students have come back to school with so much enthusiasm and maturity. 


In Mathematics we have been exploring capacity. Students have been busily measuring using rice, water and blocks. 


We have been practising using words to describe how much containers hold and how full or empty they are. Our mathematics vocabulary has included words such as: half full, almost full, almost empty, capacity, measure, nearly full, empty etc. 


In Writing we have been learning about narratives and have been practising sequencing stories. In Reading the Preps have been busy learning new sounds and focusing on comprehension by answering lots of questions about the stories we read. 







The Prep Team

Year 1

We’re back! Term 3 is here and what a wonderful start it has been.  Even though it has been incredibly cold and frosty, students have entered the classrooms with smiling faces and an abundance of positivity. 


Here is a snapshot of some of the fun things we have been learning in house 1!


In writing we have been learning about narratives. Students have learnt about the author and illustrator Leigh Hobbs and explored one of his narratives called Old Tom. We have explored characters, settings, problems and solutions. We will even write our own Old Tom narrative!

Maria and Izack from 1C enjoyed learning how to draw Leigh Hobbs’ famous character called Old Tom.  

Justin from 1C created his own characters called Clever and Fly Heart. 


During humanities we have been discussing our homes and communities.

Jason from 1C created a community mind map.


In maths we have been learning about addition and shapes. All students have been engaged in a variety of different learning activities and played a range of games.

Saanvi from 1C has been looking for shapes that can be found in the classroom. Bethlehem has used shapes to create a dancing hexagon and the French flag. 

Bhavya from 1C has been using the strategy of counting on to solve a range of addition problems. 


'You can if you think you can'

The Year 1 Teachers


Year 2

Welcome back to Term 3, how quickly the year is flying.


The Year 2’s have been very busy. 


In Maths they have been learning about Data, Multiplication and Division Units. 

In Reading, they have been learning how to find the main Idea when they are reading to help them with their comprehension of the text.  In Writing, they have been working on writing narratives including developing characters and describing settings.

In Humanities, they have been learning about Australia, it’s states and territories and capital cities. 

In Science, students have been learning about Physical Science and push/pull forces. 

They have been making predictions with what will happen when they push a ball into a bucket and let go of it.  Some balls are heavier and will sink while others will be forced out of the water. The Year 2 students are keen to participate in the experiments and are looking forward to exploring these theories at our Science Works Excursion. 


Don’t forget to give permission on Compass for your student to participate in the Colour Fun Run on 13th September due by 12th of September.


Also don’t forget to give permission and payment for our up-and-coming excursion to Science Works on Wednesday August the 16th.  Payment is due by the 4th of August

The reason for the early cut off date is so we can accurately book the buses and have the correct staff child ratios can be allocated both by the school and Science works. Unfortunately, no late payments will be accepted.


Just a reminder please make sure you are sending your child to school each day with their uniform windcheater or jumper and coat. Also remember students aren’t allowed to wear their coats in class. So please don’t send a jacket as a jumper or windcheater replacement.  


The Year 2’s are looking forward to this terms learning! 

Thank You ……

Yr 2 Team 😊