Year 10 News

Brittany King & Courtney Scherger | Yr 10 Coordinators

Horsham College Values

Congratulations to the following students who were rewarded with a canteen voucher for showing the Horsham College values during the first week of term 3.

  • Bella Carr – for encouraging other students during lessons.
  • Mitch Mills – for being supportive and helpful towards both staff and students.
  • Taya Quick-Whelan – for your positive energy throughout the whole camp
  • Jed Uebergang – for his inflight entertainment
  • Clayton Brown – for showing Horsham College values while on work experience.
  • Claire James - for showing Horsham College values while on work experience.

Honorable Mention – Miss Cope for conquering her fears and going on the Steel Taipan and Giant Drop!


Subject Selection Day

Just a reminder that the Year 10 Subject Selection Day is running on the 9th of August from 11:30 am – 6:15 pm. Students have received their subject selection books with a letter informing parents/guardians of the details of the day. To book subject selection interviews please head to, using the code ‘ym3rw’.


Student highlights from Snow & Queensland Trip in July

  • Snowboarding with a group on the runs 
  •  Spending time with my friends and eating churros 
  • Staying at a REALLY NICE PLACE! 
  • When Miss Cope went on the Steel Taipan at Dreamworld 
  • Shopping at Harbour Town 
  • Snow trip and Thursday night with everyone 
  • The bus ride home from the snow 
  • Sitting admiring the mountain and when the sun is out 
  • Hanging out with the boys in the hot tub 
  • Buying shoes 
  • Doing the biggest rides at the theme parks (Joker and Steel Taipan
  • DreamWorld and Wet and Wild where there wasn't any line ups 
  • Really good to go on camp with friends 

Snow Trip Report

The Year 10 team is proud to announce the snow trip was a huge success with students soaring across the slopes for 4 big days of skiing and snowboarding. After 6 hours of travel on the bus students were ecstatic to hit the mountain on Tuesday with many seeing snow for the first time. After a snowball fight students made their way to their first lessons where they all excelled at developing their skills over the 4 days on the mountain. The staff on the trip were very impressed at how quickly the cohort was able to improve their skills and the way they conducted themselves both on and off the mountain. By day three the students had found their routine and were ready for their early 6 o’clock start and after the bus ride up the mountain everyone was ready to soar down the slopes!

With weather and snow cover over the week in our favor, students and staff were in good spirits and behaved very respectfully on the mountain. With only one visit to the medical center during our time on the mountain we are very proud of the cohort for recognizing their boundaries and working to develop their skills on the mountain in a safe and respectful manner.

The staff were very impressed with the improvements students made during the week to their skiing and snowboarding, with some students confidently completing blue (intermediate) runs with staff and at the end of the week, we were fortunate enough to have clear skies and safe conditions for a black (advanced) slope with supervision from experienced staff members and were pleased to say that everyone made it safely to the bottom and had an amazing time.

The 2023 Snow Trip was a great success and Horsham College would like to thank all of the students in attendance for the way they conducted themselves both on and off of the mountain and we look forward to hearing all of your stories.