Alternate Programs

Liam Offer - Assistant Principal VCM VM

Welcome to week 4. This term is flying by and we are getting closer to parent teacher interviews as well as results. Students need to keep working hard to give themselves the best chance they can to achieve success. Please reach out to your teacher for support with this.

Mid way through term will see welfare meetings and attendance follow up for those students finding it difficult to engage and therefore a reminder to parents that these meetings are simply a check in to see what staff can do to assist families. 

Parents are reminded that there is a state wide ban on mobile phones being used at school between school hours and parents and students are advised that these devices stay at home as a lock of locker spaces presents an issue with students and their devices.

Horsham College is currently in review and with this comes with some lesson observations and parent feedback sessions. I will be reaching out to families to see if they are interested in being involved. If you are please contact Liam Offer on 0429417024.

Subject selection day will be August 2nd. Students that are interested in subjects on main campus next year should have a discussion with their teachers about how this is possible.

If parents have any questions or issues they are welcomed to contact Liam Offer at Alternate Programs to work through and create the best opportunity for their young person.


Yellow Group

Yellow group have continued to progress through the winter with their VPC units and VET Automotive work.

Always a difficult time of year with winter colds and illnesses however it has been great to see most students continuing to make an effort when possible.

Other activities have included a visit to the Horsham Art Gallery. Students were engaged by the current NAIDOC week exhibition. It was fantastic.

Over the next few weeks we will be finalising enrolments for next year’s VET courses . This will include a group of students undertaking their second year VET Automotive certificates.



McKenzie Creek

McKenzie Creek students have been excavating some of the little known history of the rail line that ran between the quarry at McKenzie Creek and Horsham.  This line apparently bought quarry materials and timber from the McKenzie Creek site to Horsham more than 100 years ago.

The students were interested in further investigating this information and used a metal detector to search along the old railway line – which runs very close to their classrooms at McKenzie Creek.

The students followed some of the original rail line that ran all the way from the McKenzie creek quarry all the way up McPherson Street Horsham. 

Many artifacts were found that were used to construct the railway line. Students were also the able to detect the different materials that were used to make the base of the railway line.

The students were keen to keep some of the rail artifacts that were found to show parents and friends.